Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving Medina 2013

For those of you who weren't here for the holiday, I thought you might like to see what you missed.  There were sixteen of us.  There were supposed to be twenty, but unfortunately Bob, Jen and Zhora weren't able to attend.  Also G'ma Rockwell was under the weather and did not make it.  Everyone seemed to have a good time. Good food and much laughing! 

23 1/2 pounds! 

Talking turkey? 
While we were fixing the turkey Thursday morning, we had a visitor in the side yard apparently looking for brunch.

Keith and I (and Sibley) decided it is a juvenile sharp-shinned hawk.  He hung around long enough for me to get a number of pictures through the kitchen window.


  1. Great bird pics, all around, Dad. My favorite is the redhead! (see what I did, there?) It was great to be back with the family for the weekend. Send our love abroad and all the best to the clan in Greece. Wishing you safe travels and fun times. Keep those pictures comin'

  2. Thanks for posting these! I love pictures of people stuffing their faces :) I must admit I was really sad we didn't make it home to see you guys before you left. The holidays seem weird without you. I hope you have a great time in Greece and as Keith and Sarah said, please post lots of pictures!!
