Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Settling In

Mom and Artemis are "bonding" very nicely.
 Eleftheria is so patient and gentle. 
Artemis is a delight and has captivated us all!
Notice that she has Ian's sense of style.  

This is the picture of a baby who has nursed to total contentment.
She seems to be mastering her new jobs very well:  Sleeping, nursing, pooping/peeing, hiccups.  She is a little unsure of bath time, but some things take a little more
getting used to.

Today was the first day that she was really awake for awhile. 
She and I had a nice conversation about how delightful she is.


We held hands for a little while.

And, had a nice visit with poppa.
This evening she is "out and about" with her Momma and Daddy.  
You will have to wait for Pat to post those pictures - his are much better than mine. 
They are going to get acquainted with her new pediatrician.
She pooped as they were putting her in her car seat...of course, they were running
close for time.  Welcome to parenthood.
Pat and I are doing an admirable job as support staff, if I must say so myself.
Yesterday, we went to the farmers market for fresh produce, to the corner market, where they are getting to know us.  We went to the bakery, to the grocery store and to the hardware store for a room thermometer.  Oh, and to the pharmacy.  Today, we went to the bank and to the Super Market.  We have mastered the washing and drying situation of both clothes and dishes, and we are getting better at cooking.  And, we can ride the bus!  Our new best friend is Google Translator AND we are trying really hard to use some basic Greek words.  It is embarrassing that everyone here apologizes for their English when we can barely get out please and thank you!
Wishing you all the peace and happiness of the season.


  1. So happy for all of you! I'd tell you to enjoy your time there, but it seems that you don't really need reminding to do that. ;) Everyone looks happy and very relaxed. It appears that you two were made for the roles of Grandma & Grandpa!

  2. Great shots of the munchkin! Congratulations on all your newly acquired skills. Keep on exploring.
