Friday, December 20, 2013

Artemis....City Scapes.....Artemis

 Here is our Artemis, doing one of the things she does best!

One of these for the Garfield playground?

Potential garden upgrade job.

One of the city squares that has become a compass point for our walks.
We know where home is from here!

Includes a cool fountain and clock tower.

New car for Ian and Eleftheria?  The sign says "No Parking"
Money speaks the same language wherever you go.

Dad sized Agave plant in a park that we walked through.

This garden needs a little less than the first one, but wouldn't it be fun?

This morning Eleftheria's Aunt and Cousin came to call on Eleftheria and Artemis.
Nancy, you would love this - it was like high tea.
You use your best dishes and serve wonderful sweets. 
No tea, but an assortment of specified other beverages.
There is a specific protocol for this type of social visit and it was Eleftheria's first time to hostess on her own.   

Artemis is showing Poppa her new trick. 
 She's trying out different assortments of fingers and getting very good at finding them.
She has mastered hiccups and pooping.
We will officially eliminate broccoli and cauliflower from Mom's diet for the time being.
Love you all.  xxoo


  1. Hooray for Friday! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
    The first picture of Artemis laying on the couch reminds me of the first time I ever saw Zhora in person, she was sleeping on the couch JUST like that, I'll never forget it. Warms my heart, love my nieces!

  2. Congratulations to all! What special memories you are making....thanks so much for sharing. Artemis is absolutely precious, and she is fortunate to share her middle name with such a special lady! Merry Christmas to you all!
    Kate Kramer

  3. Ahhhh, Barb ~ I see you got through! And Kate! How nice to hear from you:~) It must have been wonderful to walk out of the building yesterday...I know Ian was celebrating! Enjoy your families and the holiday activities.
