Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas in Nea Silata

We went out to the village of Nea Silata on Christmas Eve and stayed at Eleftheria's parent's house until Saturday afternoon.  Christmas in this part of Greece is not the major event we have made it into in the U.S.  It is however a time for families getting together with good food, conversation and laughter.  This is our third visit to Greece and it rained on us for the first time.  It has been very dry so far this fall and winter, so the rainfall was much appreciated by the farmers.  Even with the rain we managed to get in several nice hikes and a trip to a car dealership to begin the search for an appropriate vehicle for the new family!
On Christmas Eve morning young people, in pairs, come to the door and sing a traditional little song accompanied by triangle (called kalanda).  They in return expect to receive a euro or two for their efforts.  We had 4 or 5 duos (both girls and boys) perform.

The main gift this year preparing for her first trip to the village!

Also in the morning, Ian had some errands to run and Karen decided she needed a new pair of shoes!

The new family ready to travel.

Guess who these folks are looking at.

From left to right nephew Christo, nieces Katerina and Aspacea holding Artemis and Kristina.  Lietza, Eleftheria's cousin is next to her.  Aspacea and Kristina are her children.

The new Grandma's (Yaya in Greek) discussing gardening techniques (or perhaps new granddaughters?)

Christmas day finery.

An elf outfit given to Artemis by a friend of Eleftheria's.

Manolis holding Artemis, wife Lietza, cousin Sokis and wife Zmaro, Papou (Greek for Grandpa) with Kristina in front.

A friendly game of jacks.

An altered game of spin the jacks!

This is an owl who lives along with some pigeons in an abandoned house adjacent to Eletheria's parent's house.

Bella and Patuna sit nicely for their picture to be taken. 
This was our first Christmas away from home in our lives!  It is also our first grandchild.  Nice coincidence. 


  1. Great photos of family and friends! Nea Silata is so relaxing and simple. What a great place for the whole family to get together. I heard about the "owl next door", but never got to see him during my trip. It's really cool to see him in your picture.

  2. Looks like a happy holiday was had by all!
    I love the owl picture! I immediately thought that a story should be written about that little owl and its pigeon friends who live in the abandoned house. So if you get any more pictures or have any insight about the owls personality and preferences please let me know! All fodder for the tale that is being conjured in my imagination. (I've been reading a lot of children's books with Zhora, which could also be what has me so inspired!) Also, please ask what might be a good Greek name for an Owl. Thanks!

  3. Looks like a lot of fun! I can hear all of the chatter over the baby through the pictures. I'm pretty sure she's getting cuter every time you post new pictures!
