Sunday, December 29, 2013

Pretty Baby ... and other stuff

We are back in the city for a couple of days and since I didn't
have time to post before we left, thought I would put up the pictures
from our 12-23 Walkabout.  Pat has the best pictures of Artemis and our
Christmas festivities, so he will do that-stay tuned.
This is the only picture of Artemis in this post, so if that is what you are looking for
you will have to wait for Pat's :-)  The little hat she is wearing, was crocheted by my
friend Brigitte Dade.  Not everyone can wear a pink owl hat! 
I have taken pictures of scooters all over town.

Mostly old ones...

love this two seater!
...and the urban art - some of it is really spectacular.
Some is pretty crazy.
This is a whole mural that looks like it might be  from
children's stories. 
How clever is this?  The creativity and artistry is endless.
Enlarge this if you can - this is the flower stall at the main market
in the Centre.  I love to go there.  The market runs every day-
much like the West Side Market, but it closes up about 2:00
and the Tavernas open up.
This is an area of town that we don't know very well and were pretty
confused about until now.  This is the old warehouse district and if
I understand correctly, it is more or less the remnants of
the old Jewish Quarter.  We are looking forward to
exploring this area more.
And finally, I am pleased to report that I can
now make 3 flights without being winded!
however...I still have to hold the hand-
rail and watch what I am doing when
I come down.
Happy New Year

1 comment:

  1. Love the posts. Artemis in an owl hat is delightful. I love the old scooter and, yes, the two seater is wonderful. I wish I had a flower market around the corner like the one you posted. I will be checking Keith's post shortly and watching for Pat's pictures. It was good to lay eyes on you this afternoon in Skype. I will get an e-mail blog out about the evening soon.

    Love - Becky
