Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Walking Mix

Correctly or not, I thought it was time for something other than baby Artemis pictures:-)  So what follows is a mix of pictures I've taken over the past week or so as Karen and I have gone walk-about.
This is a very nice map of the neighborhood (with legend), prepared by Eleftheria, that we were given upon our arrival.  We received four copies, 2 flat and 2 pre-folded for our pockets.  Believe me when I say that they have been much appreciated and well used! 

As you can see from this photo, someone is missing her dogs........ and no we are not bringing him/her home.  The dog I mean.

This was supposed to be my swimming pool.  As you can see it is outdoors and while it is apparently heated the air temperature has never been more than 55 degrees F.  I know I am a bit of a spoiled American in some regards, but  I don't see anyone else begging to get in.

 The last time we were here Ian showed us a neighbor who raised homing pigeons.  It is fairly popular.  This is a flock I saw flying on one of our outings.

This is Seven Towers, built during the Ottoman empire  as a prison and used as such until 1989.  They currently use a portion of it to store archaeological finds.  

Rest stop.

Harbor view from the Seven Towers

Sunday we walked around the city center for about 5 hours and though we are not exactly proficient at getting around we abide by the philosophy the all who wander are not lost.  This photo and the following few display some of the unique ornamentation and wrought iron work found of many of the older surviving buildings.  As you can see they are in varying degrees of disrepair.

Not a used scooter dealership, just parking.

Harbor walk, very popular no matter time of day or weather.

A little creative advertising fun.

If I lived here, I might be tempted.....

I never said there wouldn't be any baby pictures!  I do believe, given the opportunity, we would bring this one home!


  1. Love that hrbour view. Looks like the ships are floating on liquid sunshine. The pool looks like it could be overrun by Mother Nature, like Chernobyl, and there is nothing tempting about 55 degree air temps. That bike surprises me, but then I really can't picture you on anything besides a mid 70s CB. Merry Christmas and happy new year. Looking forward to chatting again soon.

  2. Love the photos Pat! I am touring Greece with you so don't short change me on the sites!! Hope your Christmas was full of joy and love. Ours was very different as my Dad was out of town on a mini vacay with his friend with benefits... Kurt and I went with friends to see "Saving Mr Bank's". A wonderful movie..you may need to watch "Mary Poppins" first to eliminate any confusion....

    Think of you all often and so glad you are there having fun!!

  3. Am loving these spectacular pics and descriptions, G-ma and G-Pa! Your wee one is so precious and beautiful! Please give her a smoochie from me. And hello's to your family. Missing you and looking forward to catching up when you return!
