Saturday, December 7, 2013

Hello Thessalonica! 2013

Good Morning, All :-)
We arrived in Thessalonica on Thursday afternoon, right on time and in good order.  Our flights from Cleveland were all fine - We even scored an open seat on the long flight which made the night much more comfortable.  We picked up our bags from the "arrivals from out of the EU" conveyor - we were the only ones - found Ian, and piled into the car.  We were home in 15 minutes and greeted by Eleftheria and the mouth watering aroma of real food!

Friday morning, after a good night's sleep, we took a taxi to the top of the city.  It was a lovely day, sunny and about 50 degrees, for the 2 mile stroll to the Center.  I love the centuries old city sites mixed with the new construction, the cobblestone roadways, alleys, hidden gardens and wild places.  This part of the city burned in the early 1900's and has been reconstructing ever since.  The Byzantine wall was built in the 5th century and marked the outer edge of this bustling trading city.  Before that, the city was controlled by the Romans.  

There are some simply stunning new homes built in and amongst

the old.  This is a tavern built into the wall right where the road passes through a lovely old arch.

One of the interesting features of the city is that any surface seems to be fair game for the graffiti artists.  Some of the artwork, like this, is simply incredible!

If I were to live in this city, I would select my home based on the metal gateways and the hidden gardens.  I apologize now for the number of pictures you are likely to view on this subject!  I just LOVE them.

Everywhere in the city there are cats and dogs and you will most likely see a lot of pictures of them, as well - well until there are baby pictures to post anyway :-) 

Beauty is everywhere.

I could not get a shot that does this house justice.  It is huge and stunningly gorgeous!

About half way down we got our first view of the sea.

My favorite picture of the day.

more graffiti art.

I wonder how old the road is and who built it?  I will let you know if/when I find out.  Pat likes the center gutter :-)

There are pyracantha everywhere and in full berry. They are beautiful!

This was our destination - the new Chocolateria!!  It was EXACTLY the shop I would want if I were to open one.  It would be perfect in the Gramercy Gallery space and there would be people lined up outside to get in, just like Lemonberry on a hot summer day!

Our outing began and finished in this little plaza just around the corner from home where you can catch a taxi or a bus (which were on strike Friday morning...but not in the afternoon).  Immediately to the left of the fountain is a cool butcher shop where we bought chicken for our evening meal.
So, ends our first full day in the city.  Ian and Eleftheria are both fine but also both a little anxious for things to get underway.  Eleftheria is just in the past couple of days starting to not feel terrific.  Her doctor's apt. is Tuesday and Artemis should make her appearance by Wednesday at the latest.  Ian is rushing to finish up his Masters work.  I proofed his first paper last night and he is underway on the second one.  Deadline of the papers?  The 12th...will keep you posted.
Love you all, Karen

1 comment:

  1. Very nice pictures, and the narrative is magnificent. I was trying to figure out the author right up until the first gate picture! New it was Mom right away ;-)
