Friday, December 13, 2013

To the Centre

 Yesterday was a busy day.
Ian went into the Clinic for morning visiting time and returned home shortly before Evangalia arrived by bus.  We looked at pictures and did our best to visit as Ian ran some errands.  When he returned, he and Evangalia went to the Clinic for the evening.
After they left, about 3:00, Pat and mobilized for a walk.  Here are a few pictures from our adventure. 

This is the park and playground about 3 minutes from home.  I think Artemis will be spending a lot of time here.

Baby seat?

I remember when we travelled with the kids when they were little, we always felt like we were in familiar territory when we found the McDonalds.  Well, we sort of feel like that when we find the "local" Starbucks.  We know how to function and the barista's always speak some English! 

This is a photo of the problem (one of them at least) with building the subway.  Although this doesn't begin to do it justice, this is an archaeological site in the subway excavation which is located directly under the "main drag" in the city. I don't know if it will ever get built as the Department of Archaeology has to be called in for every site that is exposed.  The "main drag" is built on top of the original highway between Thessaloniki and Constantinople.  Sooooo...........  

All I did was turn around on the sidewalk to take this picture.
By the time we reached the Centre, we were starving, so the next decision was where to eat.  This is the little café we decided on.  It is right on the harbor.  The waiter spoke a little English and we enjoyed the bit of conversation we were able to share.

We were eating a little early - the cafes, tavernas and coffee shops fill up after the stores close at 9:00.

This picture is for you, Keith - a wonderful Greek Salad!
Picture of the day:
*I were 25
*Pat would go with me
*I were talented
*I had money
I would move to Thessaloniki and open a landscape architectural business
where I would specialize in the renovation/restoration of little gardens behind awesome gates.  There would be work forever.  Dale?  Mike?
We found and successfully took the bus home at the end of the day.  We arrived back at the apartment about 10:00 and according to our pedometer we walked about 7 miles.
Love to you all :~)



  1. Keith? Adam? You guys every going to post again? Would love to hear from you and catch up on the news. Love, Mom

  2. Love the pictures and posts. Sounds as if Greece might be a half year retirement destination!


  3. That salad looks awesome! I can almost taste it. Throw one in the carry-on for me when you head home. I'll post again soon. We don't have quite as much going on as you all do. Sarah's been decorating for x-mas, I've generally just been making messes. I picked up an awesome pair of 60s vintage all wood cross country skis. As soon as I get 'me tarred and waxed I'll get some "back country" pics up. Love to all. We think and talk about you constantly. Did ian finish his papers? Can't wait to see some pics of the spud.

  4. Karen, I love visiting your blog. I hope, someday, to travel to Greece with you again. Although I agree with Jill's comment; I don't really want you that far away for 1/2 a year. Maybe just 1/3 of the year. Your 'if I were 25' is delightful. How very fun that would be. How can you go wrong with gates like that? Ian's pictures on his blog of his new family are delightful. I will send you a newsy e-mail soon. Love - Becky

  5. I agree with the Starbucks comment. We will go to a place called Costa here, it's basically Starbucks, but they will get mad if you call it a chai tea and not a chai latte. Oops.
