Wednesday, May 14, 2014


 In Jerome one of the galleries we visited had these awesome pictures.
The artist was actually the gallery owner and explained that the photos were
enlarged photos of close-up found objects.
The photos below were inspired by his beautiful artwork.
I just used my cell phone and thought they turned out pretty good.
I think I took most of them at Mt. Charleston.

Rock Detail

Rusty Metal



Roots on Rock

Tree Sap

Dry Moss with Mineral Coat


Plant Skeleton

Cool tiny Flowers

Tiny Pine on Rock

Tiny Pinecone
(I really wanted to take this home)


Roots and Rocks

New Growth

Dead Root, Lichen, Rock



1 comment:

  1. These are great! What textures and details. I love the "Roots and Rocks" and the "Limestone? 2". It seems wrong to reach out and feel a smooth screen with these images under the glass. Thank you so much for sharing your travels, it's been a blast to read and look through your journey!
