Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Point and Shoot

As Karen has said in the previous posts, we have been on several hikes in the "neighborhood" where Adam and LeAnna live.  It is so beautiful here, it is hard to take a poor picture.  The hikes have been fun and so has the picture taking.

The boy and his dog headed down the trail.

I love the varieties of cactus we see every day.  Adam and LeAnna have nearly a dozen in there yard alone.  This is a cholla.
Cholla marching up the hill

Juniper in the background. 

A bright yellow lichen on a conglomerate outcropping.

We have decided that this is a broad-tailed hummingbird, one of three common to the Red Rock area.

Oscar has obviously taken bouldering lessons from Adam.

Good boy, well done.  I think that was a K9

First swim in First Creek.

A couple of burros.

Mistletoe, a parasite.


  1. Very nice shots. Great control over depth of field. There are too many great shots to comment on, but I really like the bright yellow lichen (great use of shallow depth of field) and the self portrait at sunset(?); the colors are so warm, nostalgic, and inviting. They really have a beautiful neighborhood.

  2. the K9 is very clever. as keith said, you are getting good with that camera, well done.
