Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Birthday Adam Hike: The Might and Majesty of Nature

As always, the humans took way too long to get ready :/

Joshua Trees - Really

This is Mt. Wilson.  To the left is First Creek Canyon, which we hiked
on Thursday.  Friday we headed to Bee Hive Knoll, the little "pimple" all
the way over to the right.  We hiked back around the BHK and came
out the other side.  It was about 23 miles or so.  Adam said 4, but I
am pretty sure he was lying.  Fortunately Adam had to stop and
stretch periodically which gave Pat and me time to catch up.
He is gradually learning to double or triple his hiking time estimates.

This is a conglomerate layer that is common in Red Rock Canyon,
hence the name.

Nature's own little Rock Garden.

Check out the root from that tree over on the right!

Almost indistinguishable from the shade he is lying in, if you look
closely, you will see Oscar waiting....again....for his humans. 
It was so interesting to see the changes in vegetation as we hiked.
Around behind BHK and up, there was a "forest";

green and lush-

with a lovely little creek.

The dominant cactus is the cholla, pronounced "choya".

"Dancing Cholla"
"Tortured Tree"

"Joshua Tree Forest"
The blue grey shrubbery is black brush, also a dominant plant in Red Rocks.
This hike is 3 or 4 minutes by car from the house.  When we got back
we pretty quickly changed clothes and went to work in the yard.
Trimming, repairing, looking, planning, moving things (rocks)
and basically doing our garden things, until LeAnna got
THEN, we went out for the evening!  All in all, this was
about 3 days activity for Dad and me and when we
went to bed, well, let's just say we slept well!!
Dad has landscape and Fremont St. pictures (although there were
some "sites" on Fremont St. that did not get recorded).
We TRUELY wish that all of you could enjoy the weather we
are having.  I wish I could bottle it and sent it your way!!
Miss you, Love you, stay warm and safe.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely day you all had! That shot of Dad and Adam is fit for a frame. Enjoy your time together (I know I don't need to say that) and keep the posts comin'!
