Monday, February 23, 2015

Snow Day, Blue Diamond?

So this was a hike we took on First Creek Trail on Saturday morning and this............

is what we woke up to this morning!

It was raining (which they need) when we turned in Sunday evening and snow was forecast for the higher elevations.  Adam had repaired and waxed his snowboard on Saturday in anticipation.  He headed to Mt. Charleston shortly after these pics were taken.

The snow was so wet that the hummingbird feeders in the tree out front were touching the ground.  I couldn't catch them on camera, but they were trying to feed from them.  The second photo was taken by Adam.

In the center foreground of this photo you can see a euphorbia Karen bought at Cactus Joe's to plant in their yard.
Fortunately they are winter hardy and the snow is melting quickly so we should get it planted before we leave tomorrow evening.

Mother Nature's way of prepping us for our return to Ohio!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

A Trip to the Strip

Inspired by Eleftheria's comment about spending some time at the casinos and the pool Karen and I borrowed LeAnna's car Friday afternoon and drove down to the strip for our hike.
We parked at the Bellagio  and began our hike.  Inside the lobby is a fairly large indoor garden area that is re-done on a periodic/seasonal basis.  This time it was Chinese New Year. 


This is a confectionary just off the lobby. Notice the floor to ceiling chocolate waterfall in the background. 

Adam says there is a Starbucks around every corner.  We found this to be true.  I just happened to like the design of this one.  See the photo of the floor below.

As we wandered through a couple of mall areas we came across several art installations.

Karen would like me to replicate this floor design in our foyer!  Maybe after I finish my neon light installation.......

FYI, this is indoors.

I think it's time to return to the trailhead.

I certainly didn't get to vote!

A pool at Caesar's Palace.

I think this is Caesar's tomb

Another pool, adjacent to the one pictured above.

The moon and Venus.  Karen says the red dots are not Mars.  I am not so sure......

The evening ended with dinner at the Park on Fremont where we met up with Adam and LeAnna and again ate and drank too much(and took no pics).  I guess we will have to do some more hiking.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fremont Street............mostly

On Friday evening (Adam's BD) we headed out to dinner, but first made a stop at the grand opening of Hop Nuts Brewing near Fremont St. In Las Vegas.  We ordered a couple of flights and snacked on some excellent fries from the Badass Burgers truck parked outside.  We then headed down the street to a Mexican restaurant, Don Juan's, that we passed on the way to the brewery.  Both the brewery and restaurant were worth going to again.  I personally recommend the pale ale and the fish tacos.
We then headed to Fremont St., the original center of the casinos and hotels in Vegas.

Along the way we passed the new location for Buffalo Exchange, the name of which I recognized from Keith and Sarah's time in town!

Not a great picture, but I was impressed by the flight holders.

This is the Container Park, a shopping/dining area that opened a year or so ago and we had been to on a previous visit, but not after dark.  The mechanical praying mantis with flaming antennae drew us in for another visit.

Each year the is an arts and music festival in this area called Life is Beautiful.  These murals are the result.  Notice the two concrete bollards in the form of spray paint cans.

The video canopy over Fremont St. typical Las Vegas provided music from The Who with various graphics while we were there.


I do like neon!

Now for something completely different.  This is the Kelso Union Pacific train depot where we stopped for lunch on our way to Kelso Dunes.  If I remember correctly it was abandoned by the railroad in the 70's or 80's, slated to be torn down, rescued, purchased by the park service and restored to its former glory.
It's style is Missionary Revival and was chosen by the railroad to be reminiscent of the of the old missions in California which were used as hostels by travelers in the 1800's. 

A view of Kelso Dunes from the parking area.

A rare view of Karen sitting and not working in Adam & LeAnna's front yard.
Sunrise out the back door.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Kelso Dunes

So on Sunday morning we headed southwest to Kelso Depot and the Kelso Dunes located in the eastern part of the Mojave Desert National Preserve.  The dunes cover about 45 sq. mi. and the tallest dune is about 650' above the surrounding area.
It took us about 2-3 hours to hike up to the top of the dune and back.  Adam, LeAnna  and Oscar made it to the top while Karen and I bogged down about 3/4 of the way up.  The temps were in the high 70's, a bit unseasonable for this time of year.  It reminded me of scrambling through the dunes at the Outer Banks on a mega scale.

Ready, set..........


Rest stop.

Wind swept ripple marks

Made it!!!

Down we go.......

the quick way!

I believe this to be a Mojave Fringe-toed lizard.

Gimme shade!

Happy guy.

Bringing it home..