Monday, April 14, 2014

Week in Review

On the Road Again :-)
Before we headed west I called Boyerts and asked if I needed
to clean out my gardens or could I wait till the end of the month.
Can you guess the answer?  Unfortunately, I only got the front
gardens done.

Packing was a puzzle.  Hot and Cold?  Camping and Hotel?
Clean up clothes and set up camp clothes?  Don't
pack too much - but what if it snows...or is 80?

Stopped for one last good-bye and hit the road.
Only an hour late, but then there was the hour delay in Columbus.

Zoomed through St. Louis and spent the first night in a hotel.

Next day we headed into Oklahoma.  This was an unusually nice Welcome Center.

Our first night of camping was in the Red Rocks State Park.
Considering we haven't camped in years and years, things went pretty well.
We had a little trouble with the tent, but not too bad.   We put the electric
to good use even without an RV.  

We were like pros when we got to Santa Fe where we spent 2 nights
in the Hyde Memorial State Park. 

We spent a beautiful day checking out the Santa Fe arts scene -
pretty impressive!!  Gallery after gallery after gallery...
It was like going to 3 museums in one day.

Hit the road again - It was free of debris, pleasantly curvy, and
the landscape was awesome.

We stopped along the way at the  Laguna Pueblo where
we met Alfred, who gave us a tour of this
stunning 17th century mission.

We drove through the Painted Canyon National Park and
the Petrified forest.

What a day!  Late that night, we pulled into our hotel
in Flagstaff and pretty much fell asleep.

The next day, we drove through Sedona to the little town of Jerome.
It was once a thriving Copper mining town.  When the mining dried up, most
everyone moved away and then the hippies moved in.  Today it is a
"destination" arts community.  There were a lot of art lovers visiting on Saturday!!
This picture is taken from above the town.

That evening, we went out to dinner in a real restaurant without the dogs.
No, Pat is not praying, just wishing I would stop with the pictures already.
Dogs have been great, the truck is running well (no comment on gas mileage)
Camping was fun...and so is staying in hotels.
Great scenery, lots of curvy roads and no debris on the road!
(unless you count one dead coyote) 
All in all, a great week one.
Pulled  into Adam and LeAnna's about lunchtime today (Sunday) 
Stay tuned for more.
Love you all.

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