Tuesday, April 15, 2014

More on the Road

Thought I would share some additional on the road photos and commentaries.  While it may appear that I (Pat) was not involved, someone had to record these events.  We are having a great time. 
For the past several weeks our dining room has become one of several staging areas in the house for the trip.  At first it was just the floor and then it just spread to any flat surface available.

We made sure the priority items had a prominent place so as not to be left behind.

Now that we have everything, how do we fit it in?

Final fueling begins.

No trip can begin without final clearance and inspection!

No way are you leaving without us this time.
Driving Red Rider down the road somewhere between here and there.

A little after dinner activity........
A little after dark activity.

Our second campsite outside at 9000' outside of Santa Fe.  We spent 2 nights here and had couple of nice chats with Marcos, the park ranger.
Camping wasn't all work.
Our first campsite in Oklahoma, just outside Oklahoma City.
Can't camp without a camp fire!

Our first restaurant meal of the week in Santa Fe. 

The continental divide on Route 66.  Couldn't help ourselves, even went to the gift shop across the road.
We have had good weather all the way with just a little rain outside of St. Louis.  One construction related delay just north of Columbus that cost us an hour, but overall traffic has been fairly light as we are early in the season.


  1. Looks like a great trip. I love that picture of Mom reading by the light of the lantern. Man, the weather looks great and I can almost smell the pine needles baking in the sun in a couple of those campsite pictures. Keep on enjoyin' yourselves and the company you keep!

  2. Great pictures! Glad your having a good time. Very jealous of all the camping though, I am so ready to get the camper out , I can almost smell the camp fire.
