Saturday, October 26, 2013


Well, my pictures are not in the exact order I wanted, but
please meet Nyx (black) and Syko (black and tan).  These
6 month old pure bred shepherds are as different in personality
as build and appearance.  They are about as cute as puppies come!

This is the view from Maribeth and Rick's deck
looking down the "hill"~

~and this is the view from the deck looking up the
"hill" at the rising moon.  We had beautiful weather!
It reminded me of Las Vegas, except cold.  If there
is dry heat (hot is not as hot)...well there is also dry cold (cold is not as cold).
The beauty of the area is remarkable - and my goodness, the sun
shines almost every day!!!

And, here we are - the 3 sisters.  We had a truly wonderful
time hanging out together.  This picture was taken in a
delectable little coffee shop in Lander, a nice little town
about 1/3 of the way to Rock Springs.  We stopped to visit
a couple of Maribeth's favorite shops and for a little snack, of course :~)
...and because Maribeth only got permission to go if she took walking breaks on the way. 

On the road to Rock Springs.

This is the sunset from Malia's front porch.  I am annoyed to
report that this is the only picture I took while we were there :-(
You will have to take my word for it:  Malia's house is really
cute.  Malia is too - and loving her job; her dog, Red, who is
coal black, is a delight.  Megan and Malia made a great dinner for us
and James hung out with the girls for as long as he could stand it.  We talked
and laughed and ate and generally caught up on the news, rehashed old stories, and
watched a good movie.  It was a really nice visit...sure wish I had taken some pictures..

This is downtown Dubois - if you stand on the pictured side of the street
and take a picture, you pretty much have it all.  Some nice shops, several
good restaurants and, well, not too much more.  Don't blink!  Eleftheria - not
much of a nightlife!

Monday evening we went to Rachel's house for dinner.  Yes, we
ate VERY well the whole time we were there.  We also did a
great deal of talking, laughing and story telling.

That is Jason, aka Griz, in the chair with his whole
family piled on top of him.  Welcome to the family!
It was great to get to know him and I hope that there will
be opportunities for everyone else in the family to get to know him.
He has worked for the forest service for many years and is a tree and
bug guy - rumor has it he knows his birds also.  For dinner he grilled
elk and venison steaks and oh, my goodness, good eating!!
Rachel made the best bread pudding I've ever had, for dessert - even
made the bread for the bread pudding!

Here are our two recovering invalids.  Becky did all the work.
By the time I was there, they were both on the way to recovery.
Pretty sad commentary that it took two surgeries for us to get together,
but also awesome that  "all the planets aligned" and it worked.
I am hoping that Maribeth and Rick's recoveries continue to progress
quickly and that they both are able to do the things not only on their "to do"
list, but also the things on their "bucket list".

I took LOTS of pictures like this.  These are two of my favorites.
It was just breath taking.

We saw 4 gigantic bull moose on the way to the airport.  We didn't
get pictures of the first two, but lucky for us, we had a friend  in the air traffic
control tower who spotted a couple more and gave us a heads up.  I also saw
a large herd of buffalo, and many smaller herds of antelope and mule deer.
It was a great trip.


  1. Looks like you had a great trip and got a big dose of the Schmidt hospitality! I want to live in a town like Dubois someday.... well, not right in town, with all the hustle and bustle, but near a town like that, where I could ride my horse in within a few hours. You totally nailed the composition on that third one up. I love all the horizon lines and the snow capped mountains. Very cool! And you got to see a moose!

  2. thanks for the nice update. looks beautiful up there. as expected. I have some friends (in Lander too which is not too far away and is where the climbing festival is every year. one of these days...

  3. Man, i HAVE to get back there ASAP. That place is so special for so many reasons. I love the pics! Well, except for the group shots, i think there might be some zombies that snuck in the photos, LOL! I wish you all could have been there when keith saw this post and started cracking up because he was wearing the EXACT same shirt, hat, and beard that U. Rick has on in the photo above, hilarious! Men of the same ilk.
