Monday, April 10, 2017

The $100 Hamburger

On Wednesday, last week, Adam took his first passengers on a 2+/- hour trip out to lunch.  
We flew from Henderson Airport to Lake Havasu City Airport where we had a very nice
lunch at the new Hanger 24 Brewery.  
You might be wondering why there is a Brewery at a tiny, little airport where most of the customers would be pilots...I know I was??
We had Root Beer, by the way, and then refueled and flew back to Henderson...sort of like a Sunday afternoon drive, but a lot more fun.
It drives me crazy that I don't know what order these pictures should be in, but I don't.
I hope you enjoy the story and the scenery, even if the order is off.  
Probably only Adam knows...and your Dad, of course. 

This is one of the open hangers at the Henderson Airport.
The airport is very nice and as you might expect has quite a bit of private plane traffic.
The club Adam belongs to has some "new digs" at the facility and they own 4 planes. 
Adam has logged hours in 3 of the 4.

This was our "ride" for the day.

Here we are getting ready to board.
It was a beautiful day, by the way.

We flew over this giant solar facility.  It is one of the largest in the world.
Nevada Solar One

I love this picture.  
It is the solar installation from a distance.  
It looks like space ships landing

We flew over the Mojave National Preserve.
It has been an unusually wet winter and spring 
and you can see from this photo how green everything is.

Everything is colorful and in bloom.

You can see the Colorado River winding its way though the landscape.

The flower bloom shows especially well in this picture.

Sky, mountains, hills, floodplains, little rivers flowing into the big river.

...and the little rivers running out into the big river.

It was hard to stop taking pictures.

Crop circles (and rectangles)...agriculture in the desert.

It was an awesome experience.  It was fun to see Adam do his thing and the ride was great.  
I have lots more pictures and some video (which I don't know how to put on the
blog) and your Dad has some pictures also .

Love, Mom


  1. Great Photos. The ones of the solar arrays are crazy, and I feel like the Colorado looks healthier than I know that it is. I am so glad you had the opportunity.

  2. Beautiful river and topography shots. The one of the Colorado reminds me of the plastic relief maps I remember from middle school. Adam, come pick me up! I'm ready to go!
