Friday, February 3, 2017

A Few More Pics From Ithaca

I thought I would share a few more pictures from our visit in Ithaca.
We had an easy drive and arrived with luggage, dogs and dinner at about the same time Keith and Sarah and Emmett were getting home from their respective activities. 

On Saturday morning we headed to the Y for swimming lessons.  Emmett is going
to be another Harrington swimmer!  I took LOTS of pictures and videos...just not very good ones, unfortunately.  This one is pretty good, though.

And this one,

and this one is pretty cute too....

Guess who is tired?

From the Y we headed to Purity for a great breakfast
(thank you G'ma Harrington!)

After a little nap in the car and a bite to eat our little water baby was revived.

We had a beautiful snow while we were there, which some of us enjoyed from the
inside out while others

like to be out in it!

As always, the dogs were endlessly entertaining.
  Our guys, getting to know Emmett again

while Jonas and Eva just take things in stride.

It took a little while, but we finally got everyone awake, fed, and happy at the same time so that we could open the Christmas gifts from Greece, Columbus and Litchfield.
(the photo album is AWESOME!).

Emmett needs a little Kinder Santa instruction, but it is still a little soon for chocolate anyway.

We had a great dinner prepared by Bob on Sunday evening.  Zhora wore her beautiful Christmas dress and as you can see, she has a cute kitten and

2 baby piggies!!  They are currently living in a playpen in the house.

We had a great visit! an easy drive home except for about 1/2 hr of pretty heavy snow near Jamestown.  Not bad for traveling in January.

Keith, Sarah and Emmett, thanks again for the hugs, snuggles, good food and drink, warm fire, great movie and conversation.  Always looking forward to the next time.

Love, Mom


  1. Thanks for the post, the pictures, and the memories. We had so much fun. Our time didn't feel rushed at all, and when I read the blog, we did a lot of stuff. What a great weekend! Looking forward to seeing you guys soon.

  2. You took some great pics! How fun to see them! Love you much and you are ALWAYS welcome... Even with Pop in tow ;) xoxoxo
