Saturday, January 7, 2017

Christmas with Mom

Each Christmas Season, more or less, for many years, Grandma Nancy and I have treated ourselves to some music event.  For the past few year we have taken in an Apollo's Fire concert, which is one of our very favorites.  This year we decided to venture into Cleveland to Severance Hall for the Cleveland Orchestra's annual Christmas Concert.

We chose a Sunday afternoon matinee, so started the day at church for the Children's 
Christmas Play which was delightful.

Pastor Laura's youngest watched her big brother and sister from the center isle.
Also delightful.

Of course, the weather was miserable.  We stopped at G'ma's to feed the birds
and let Stella out - not that she was that inclined.

Gram always has the best birds at her food station.  This is not a great
display, but I never did get a picture that showed how many were there.

Like I said, not a great day to drive downtown, but it really wasn't a problem
even though you have to look pretty hard to see "the Term".

We ate at the restaurant at Severance Hall.
Their Christmas Brunch is wonderful.

Santa and Mrs. Clause arrived for lunch just after we were seated and
they stopped to chat for a few minutes.

This photo doesn't begin to do justice to the Hall.  It was refurbished a number of years ago, in fact, we were remembering that the last time we attended the Christmas Concert the drop clothes were still present and the hall had a slight aroma of fresh paint!  I was trying to get a shot of the ceiling which is plastered in the pattern of lace from Mrs. Severance's wedding dress.  I would love to take a tour and hear the history of the building.

The company was wonderful, the concert was great, the food was delicious and the drive home was not too bad.  All in all, a delightful way to kick off the Christmas Holiday season.

Ian, thanks for getting me motivated to do a post.  I intended to do this right away, but I can NEVER remember how to download my pictures.  Maybe I will master that in 2017???
Happy New Year
Love, Mom


  1. What a fun tradition! Looks like you had a great time!!

  2. What a lovely day! Glad you all had fun. We're looking forward to hearing all the stories in person. See you soon!
