Monday, September 7, 2015

Just a few pictures

   Just a few pictures from the last weeek or so.  All is well here - hope you are all good


Isn't this a beauty?  I need to look and see what kind

Hope you were able to hear this...Dad and I stumbled across a summer concert August series at
Seiberling Naturealm.  We got to 2 concerts and they were both very good.  This guy makes and plays his own flutes.  Very Cool :-)

Very nice.

One of the last flowers of fall, the anemone.

The fence is like a sieve and Maggie knows ever every escape....

I was pretty proud of myself...I split all this word!  It is a lot like work!!


  1. Each evening for the last couple of weeks, before sunset, dragonflies descend upon our yard for their dinner. It is so cool to watch them and there are so many! It was in flight so I can't be sure, but I think I saw one last night like the one in your picture.

  2. Beautiful photos! That is one cool dragonfly for sure. We had a whole bunch of dragonflies in the yard a couple days ago on a real windy day. I had never really seen any around before that.
