Friday, September 19, 2014


Here is Artemis posing in her beautiful new dress.
She loves having her picture taken and knows
the pause and smile when the camera
or phone is pointed her way.
The dress is a gift from the god parent(s),
as are all the other clothes and accessories
involved in this event.  The traditions are very
specific and a number are included in the blog.

All the beautiful ladies!
In this picture with Artemis and Eleftheria are
Marianna, on the right, she Eleftheria's coubarra.  On
the left is Crissa.   She was a bridesmaid in the wedding.
They are childhood friends and delightful young women.

This is the courtyard of the church.  I don't have but a few pictures as
the priest did not like picture taking.  This, unfortunately was not
mentioned (among other things) when Ian and Eleftheria met with him.
The god mothers had arranged for professional photography as a gift to
Eleftheria and Ian - perhaps not traditional, but commonplace in this day
and age.  The priest did finally allow this, but he was not happy.
So, at some point there will be pictures.

Simos, in the blue shirt, prepared all the refreshments for the
reception.  He and some of the staff from Perec, the restaurant
where he works as a baker and waiter, oversaw the buffet.  The
food was wonderful!
Eleftheria and I made the balloons.

Here she is - this is the smile you can find on her face most any time!
She is happy, friendly, very busy...She likes to dance and she
can wave hi and bye.  She also does quite a few great
yoga moves...and she adores her Mom and Dad.
You can't see it very well, but she has on a really lovely gold cross,
a part of the religious ceremony and a traditional gift
from the god parent(s).

Sunday morning the god mothers came over for breakfast, yummy leftovers
from the reception and the opening of gifts.  The gifting is like our baby showers.

This is Artemis' new lunch bag.
Jen and Bob, if you are reading this, we think this is a
dress from Zhora :-)

After breakfast it was off for some fun at the beach.

And after some fun, a little nap.

This is a beautiful basket that was part of the
traditional gifting from the god mothers.
It will hold toys.

And, a cloud picture just because I can't resist.
Hope all is well!
Love you all


  1. It looks like it was a beautiful party with a bunch of beautiful people! So glad you were able to take part. I love artemis' dress and Eleftheria's too! Always such stylish ladies. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip!
