Monday, July 28, 2014

Day Trippin'

The pool is closed for summer maintenance this week, so
we are planning on local-ish day trips and some small around
the house projects - hoping for a good balance of work and play and rest.
 On Saturday we went to the Hardesty Park Art Festival.
It is one of our favorites - usually better than Art in the Park,
which is the week before.  This year was no exception ~
so much talent!

Afterwards, we went to Mary Coyle's -
an old Highland Square ice cream store and
restaurant.  I don't quite have "the selfie"
technique mastered...

I took a handful of pictures in the yard, yet again...
this pot of cannas has been spectacular.
This little lily was a gift from a friend and I
forgot all about it until it bloomed a couple
days ago.  It is just beautiful.

Today we drove to Kidron and spent some time at
Lehman Hardware.  The place is amazing.  It is all
combined at once a store for the local Amish and Mennonite
population, a tourist attraction, a museum, restaurant, boutique
and toy store.  I'm sure I have left something out...
The picture above is actually a 3-D wood carving by a local artist.
There must have been 20 or so on display.  They are not for sale.
...from 1 piece of wood.

Do you see the sled? 

Sarah, this is an entire room of canning supplies!


Way up high in most of the rooms are antiques of all
kinds.  These are full size, original pieces.

Keith, this is a beautiful tool box.  I am pretty ticked that
I took a blurry pic...sorry :-(

LeAnna - I thought of you when I saw this washing machine.
I can't even imagine...

I always feel like I am being rude when I take pictures but there was
no one around when I took this.  There were lots of buggies on the road
today and it was obviously wash day.
Many fields of these cool little hay stacks.

                                   This was the view out the windshield on the
                                   way home.  A cold front blew through last
                                   night and we have had one of our infamous
                                   weather shifts.

Ian, thanks for the great post!  Keith and Adam, we are looking forward to seeing yours. You are both having eventful weeks ~ it will be fun to see your week in
review in pictures.

Love you all, Mom


  1. Great stuff as usual! Very psyched that you guys are getting to enjoy some free time at home. That's the best!

  2. Artemis would like to know if you bought that sled? Wonderful post, don't be shy, a good picture captures a moment in time worth the anxiety of How it is taken.

  3. Have I now qualified to comment re: your blogs? Mom

  4. Great to see your travels!! I'm sure glad our washer and dryer don't require as much effort as those!

  5. Great post. I'm so happy to see all the activities you and Dad have been up to. I really like the toolboxes with a place for each tool. When I get closer to knowing exactly which tools I will carry and use the most, I would like to build my own small toolbox. The picture of the hay stacks from the car window reminds me of a painting by Van Gogh called The Haystacks (I think...) Very nice all around. Great to talk to you tonight.
