Sunday, September 15, 2013

Odds and Ends of Summer

Last time I talked to Adam he said he liked the
blogs - even when there's nothing much
goin' on.  So, here is a blog with
with nothing much going on - just
some odds and ends here at the end of the summer.
 I can't remember the last time I made a peach pie,
so I was pretty pleased when it turned out
both pretty and delicious!  Unfortunately, it is
the end of peach season so, probably just one this year.

Pat and Arlo headed out in the Miata.
It is not Arlo's favorite ride but he would rather go in the Miata than be left behind.
The little car has had a quiet summer - hope there are a couple of chances to
go out and about before the weather closes in.

G'ma says this is the last hibiscus of summer. 
The weather wasn't very good for tomatoes this
summer, but the flower gardens were beautiful.

Finally got my garage sale done!  What a bunch of STUFF.
It was pretty fun ~ lots of interesting people and
I made enough money to cover my plane
ticket to Aunt Maribeth's.  Her
knee surgery is scheduled for next week - the 21st. 

We have had a couple of awesome campfires.  This
one is burning down.  The little old campfire maker
actually relaxed and sat with me for awhile.
The autumn clematis is in full bloom and just
beautiful.  It smells like jasmine and the
honey bees and the big bumble bees are staying
very busy!  The one on the fence grew up into the maple tree and
looks really cool, but my picture didn't turn out  :~(

I planted several pots this year and this is my favorite.
I hope the caladiums come back next year.  They
were beautiful.
Well, that is all for now.  Dad and I should be in OBX this time
next week.  Alysa is staying at the house.
I always wanted to go to the beach in the fall.
I'll try to do a post from there.
Have a good week.  Love you all, Mom.


  1. great post. i miss your pies. eleftheria missed out on her lesson, lost during the whirl wind finish. we're good. talk to you soon.

  2. This is great. What a nice mellow post about the summer. It felt like I was sitting by the fire, catching up with you. Now I REALLY have to get to work. Love you, and thanks again to you and Dad for the care package.

  3. Ian - glad all is well - we will get in a pie lesson in December. There is nothing better than pie for breakfast - well, maybe strawberry shortcake.

    Keith - Glad the birthday pants "fit". No need to fill out that waist- try some suspenders! We are really looking forward to our fall visit. See you soon.

    Adam - What happened to you? You never called back?? Hope all is well - almost time to head home :-)
