Thursday, September 26, 2013

I can't believe ANOTHER day is gone!

Time is such a funny thing.
At the beach, it seems like it
stands still, but then you wake up
and it is Thursday - time to start
gearing up to go home...crazy
I thought this picture of the moon turned out
pretty cool with the reflection on the water.

Your Dad and I spent a good part of the
day sitting on the beach ~ reading, watching
the water, the birds, the crabs, talking about how much we loved to
be at the beach and if  it is better to be at Ocracoke
and drive to the beach or is it better to stay in one
of the beach communities where you can walk?
There were tons of birds and ghost crabs and I tormented them
and myself  periodically trying to take professional quality
pictures with my cell phone.


This is our house from the street.  I am not sure how many bedrooms there are~
~ 5 for sure and maybe 1 more, plus a hot tub and a pool!

All the lights are on so we can find our way back after our bonfire.
It is so dark and the beach trails are so not easy to find.
It was a beautiful night - we could see the Milky Way.
Finally!! a bonfire on the beach!!!!!  I have wanted
to do that for years.  It was awesome - fire
and water and friends ...  how does it
get better than that? 
As hard as I tried to get a picture of the ghost crabs this morning!!
They were posing tonight, they were big and there were hundreds of them.

Love you all and wish you were here!

PS:  A. Maribeth didn't have a great day, to be expected, but was feeling better
this evening.  Last I knew, she was supposed to go home tomorrow, but she had a
blood transfusion this afternoon, so I am hoping they will keep her 1 more day.
Uncle Rick has a torn rotator cuff and will have surgery 10-22.  It never seems to
end for them...


  1. Beautiful pictures and updates. So happy for you guys! What an exciting time with all the freedom and travel. And the house looks amazing, especially all lit up like that at night.

  2. time is such an amorphous substance. be aware of it, do not dwell on it, and fill it with the people places and activities you love. that is all that can be asked or expected.
