Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ye Olde Glass Shoppe

As you all know, I have been cleaning and refurbishing the basement for much of the late fall and winter in hopes of  re-establishing my stained glass workshop of 30 years ago.  The basement, while not completely cleaned is immensely better than it was and much of what is left is waiting for the Great Retirement Garage Sale slated for later in the summer.  My glass shop has been set up and functioning.  As always there are refinements to be made as I begin to use it, but at the moment I am very pleased with the results.

This is a panel I started and finished last week inspired by a bookshelf designed by Eleftheria for their apartment.
She sent me the drawings for it, but neglected to copyright it, so I stole it for my panel!

I did the joinery in lead (instead of copper foil), which has always been a challenge for me.
I felt the panel design would look better in lead.

The finished panel.  The lead joints represent the shelves of the bookcase.

A close-up of my joint work and soldering technique.  I am pretty pleased with my first effort.  It is much better than any lead work I did in the past.  I am anxious to try some more.

I also re-took a beginner's glass class and this box was one of the projects to come out of that class.  This is copper foil work and the lid design is my own.   That's and oyster shell soldered to the hinged lid.


  1. wow dad! everything really looks great. we are so impressed with the panel. i only hope that our book case turns out that well. can't wait to see you and get some lessons.

  2. Nice job! And congratulations on getting the shop up and running again! I bet it feels good to have all the time that you want to work on your projects and not have to rush around.

    1. Whether I work on the glass or not, having the time is the greatest reward of retiring. I highly recommend it.

  3. Looks great Dad! That is really cool you've gotten back into it after a 30(!?!) year hiatus. I especially like the "bookshelf". I have a few ideas/requests when you're ready!

  4. Send them along. I like having a list to work on. Of course, no promises on delivery schedule...........

  5. I am so impressed!!! Will you be teaching others this craft? If so, sign me up! We've got enough talent in the family to start a successful little business. Eleftheria can draw up the plans and i can be your apprentice! I will have my sister start working on some marketing ideas for us :)Who else is in?

    1. Whoa there Tonto! I just retired!!! I will however be happy to teach anyone who is interested.
