Friday, September 28, 2012

Road Trip to Ithaca

Maribeth and I made a quick weekend trip to visit Sarah and Keith
It was so much fun, as it always is!
Cool flowers.

Nature doing her thing.

The wetlands next to Sarah and Keith's house. 
It was beautifl!

One of my favorite trees.

Little boy in big body.
Some things stay the same.
Jonas doing his job.
                                            The botanical gardens were absolutely beautiful....
                                                       of course, so were Sarah and Keith.


  1. Thanks, those are lovely pictures. We had so much fun having you two up here. Only wish is that we had a little more time. Oh well, such is life. It's so nice to have the blogs so I can view events through others' perspectives and so that I can have a visual cue for my memory.

  2. Nice post! It was so great having you gals come up to visit together. Can't wait until we can to it again someday!
