Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I was going to title this "Flora and "Fauna" of Northern Greece, but decided that I better deal with the flora and fauna in separate posts when I saw how much I had. There would be more, but you are lucky, I couldn't figure out how to get to the rest of them. I should be pretty good at this by the time I wade through all the pictures we took! Enjoy:-)

These doves were apparently pets of a taverna. There were lots of them and when the taverna owner (?) walked out they just swooped in out of nowhere for this feeding. Only doves - no other birds attended the feast.

One of the first monestaries we visited had a flock of peacocks. I think Ian may have had the best picture, but I had to include one also.

Oh, yeah...what is a trip to the ocean with out seagull pictures? This guy was on the awning of the tour ship we were on. The kids on the ship entertained themselves in the usual way, by feeding them. There are many, many things that know no borders!

Homo sapien tirdus..."How many pictures do you think she's gonna take?" "Who knows! It was bad enough when we used film- now it is worse..."

Oh my word...the dogs! No, he's not dead, just sleeping. There were dogs everywhere. They were so cool. They didn't bother anyone - didn't pay any attention to people at all, no begging, nothing. They crossed at the cross walks when the lights changed, no kidding! You just had to step over them when they decided to nap.

yep, napping dogs everywhere!

Homo sapien graduatus...Ian's 6th graders become 7th graders!

Agean sea slug...really...in Ian's hand! A kid caught a little octopus in the same area.

We saw lots of these little lizards and this one stood still long enough for a picture.

We drove some of the back roads on Mt. Olympus and found this magnificent herd of goats - there were so many!

Homo sapian beachus-This is a view of the city beach in Kavala, a smaller city that we visited for a weekend. Just think how nice to walk downtown and swim in the sea!

Catus familiarus everywhereus! If there were 50 dogs in the neighborhood there were 150 cats! The good news? No rats, no mice and like the dogs, they don't bother anyone.

Cat on an old chair.

We didn't see very many kittens for all the cats there were, but here is a cute little group here.

Home sapian familyus - shopping, shopping, and more shopping. Never in my life have I seen so much shopping!

This was really cool - scattered around the countryside were these beehives. Sometimes there would be someone there tending them, just pulled off the roadside.

A couple of way cool grasshoppers! Lucky for you I can't figure out how to get the other ones (or the cool black and red bug) on here. Have to save those for another time.

AND FINALLY!! This beauty is perched on the water lily pond in a park by the sea wall. We walked here often - it is delightful!
So there you have it - some of the "wildlife" from our travels. Stay tuned...there's so much more! Love you all, Mom


  1. These are great, you guys. I feel like I'm there with you; especially since it's 92 degrees and muggy as the Mediterranean here this week. I love that peacock picture. I forgot how beautiful those birds are. Can't wait to sit with you and hear the stories in person. How's the garden looking? Back under control?

  2. Garden in under control - even the japanese beetles - could use some rain. I think I would like a peacock for a pet...

  3. Hunter Thompson had a bunch. They were so loud that some of his neighbors found the birds more obnoxious than HST himself. And that's saying something.

  4. They are beautiful.... they are REALLY loud!
