Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Group shot!

The "Beer Boys" in the garage!

The "Birthday Boy" on the deck............

The Hat Ladies

The Beautiful Bride

Kids at play!

Something on the couch is drooling............

Mom and the canine boys!

New Artwork!

Icy Jellyfish Feeder?

This is my first attempt at the blog business. Let's see how it goes. These are some pictures from the big Easter weekend, Megan and James wedding, plus Norm's 80th birthday celebration. The weather was as good as it gets for this time of year and virtually the whole fam-damly was here (minus :( LeAnna)! Enjoy!


  1. not bad. why so many spaces between the pictures? did you ever find that hanging boy again? good to see a new post. keep them coming.

  2. great pictures! i really wish i could have been there. i agree with ian, keep the posts coming!

  3. man, what a wild weekend! i love that shot of rick and i and the group shot is fun, too. we should've done one with the timer so you could be in it as well. make time to come and see us. sarah just came home and started talking about bumping out the kitchen and putting a deck on. i think we need someone to help us draw up a plan (hintwink)
