Monday, February 19, 2018

G'ma duty in London

Sorry that this is so late, but I hope you will enjoy the pics even at this late date.  I had to go to Ithaca for some technical help :-/  Thanks, Keith!

This pic in particular, does not do its subject justice, but I wanted to include a shot from Paddington Station.  I was pretty happy, not to mention relieved, that I was able to get myself from the airport to our Airbnb!  This was the midpoint of that journey.

Eleftheria found us a really cute little Airbnb right by Hyde Park.  This was the street "sign" for our street.

Our front door.

Third floor - sort of a long climb  with all your groceries and such.

Three doors down.

The French School was just across the street at the end of the block.  This is the library.

These gorgeous window boxes were in our neighborhood.  The temperatures while we were there were in the 40s.  Who knew that caladiums were cool weather plants?  They were in many of the boxes and were very beautiful.

One evening's search for sustenance landed us in a cute little Indian restaurant.   

And, at the end of our block...the impressive Natural History Museum.  We went twice and I am looking forward to going again this summer

We have enjoyed the hummingbird display at Cornell many times.  This is the museum's display.  The display cases throughout the museum were just beautiful.

Check out the look on Artemis' face!  Emily is just waking up and I was so pleased that she was not upset....


when she woke up to this "real" dinosaur.  The coloring was the night. The color and activity of the dino changed over about a 2 minute period.

These 2 "real" dinos were pretty sweet.  Artemis thought she might want to have them.

I didn't see nor did I read the Harry Potter stories, but somehow this "hall" in the museum reminded me of it.

A photo of Artemis and Charles.

A detail from the museum.  I could have spent hours just admiring the building and taking photos.

The most current family photo I have is from when Artemis was a new baby, so my mission was to get an update.  Here is my first attempt and I like it, but there were better ones later.  Notice Emily in her dinosaur hat.

Just before we left London we ducked into the Science Museum, just down the road, for a little preview.

We barely got into it and were totally taken by the displays.

I loved the transportation section displays and saw only just a few.

Artemis and the quintessential London phone booth.

over the River James

Sunday, Marianna came in from Cambridge.  She is Artemis' Nona (godmother) and Eleftheria's maid of honor.  She has been in England for maybe 10ish years.  The group headed out for a London walkabout, the final destination The Tate museum of Art.  She was a ray of sunshine in an otherwise gloomy day.  I joined them later in the afternoon, skipping the walkabout, for the museum and dinner.
We waited,some of us tired and wet, a long time, for what was probably...

....the best pizza ever!  We will need the name of the place so we can revisit in June.

On Monday, we packed up and headed home to Thessaloniki.
Watch for that post next...hopefully soon.
Ian and Eleftheria, thank you so much for inviting me to join you!
Love to you all, 
Can't wait to see you all in England in June!


  1. I'm glad to see the blog's still alive! Thanks for posting. I love all the photos but that last one with Artemis with her legs crossed cracks me up! The museums look incredible, too.

  2. Looks like you guys had a wonderful trip!! Ian's girls are just too cute!
