Friday, February 24, 2017

Kiawah 2017

 This year, as you know, we took a little (4hour!) side trip to visit Rachel and her family in their new home in Blairsville, Georgia.  I took NO pictures of them or their new home.  What a disappointment.  They are doing well.  Jason is responsible for the Chattahoochee National Forest and seems to be very into his new job.  The kids are adjusting well to their new home and school and Rachel is enjoying her work at a nearby horse ranch where she teaches and leads trail rides. 

 This is an early southern trail head for the Appalachian Trail and is about 20 minutes from their house.  There is a beautiful WPA building there and note the "shoe tree".  Very cool.


This was our 3rd Annual February trip to Kiawah.  Dale and Peggy are gracious hosts and seem to enjoy our company.  As you know, we are always happy at the beach!

We had wonderful weather and I made it a point to walk in the water every day except for our day in Charleston.

We have been there often cnough to have a favorite restaurant, Reds, just down the road from where we "live".  The food is ok - good and the atmosphere is pleasant...the sunsets are

Beautiful evening sky.
 One night we stood on the balcony and watched a lightening storm about 100 miles out.  It was spectacular.  Not the next day, but a day later, the beach was littered with the debris from the storm.

We saw several of these Cannonball Jellies washed up.  I should have put my foot in the pic.  It was easily a 10/10 square.  If harvested alive, they are edible.  Of course...China, Thailand, Japan, etc.


This was my collection from my walk on the beach.  I finally a realized that the sponges don't hold their color.  It was cool to see the green and orange on these 2, but I left therm there.

Favorite beach shot of the trip.

Your Dad got up for every sunrise!!  I forced myself on Friday and, of course, wished I had seen the others.  It is so fast and so dramatic!!

Love, love the beach birds.  They make me smile.


We spent one day walking in Charleston.  We actually walked the perimeter of the historic district and feel like we have the lay of the land.  Great architecture and historic buildings.  We didn't walk the neighborhoods like we wanted, but it was a good day.  I love these old trees that have the ferns and mosses growing from the limbs.


And, the day in the city would not be complete without a picture of a door or courtyard.

As we were leaving Kiawah on Saturday morning, this beautiful heron was in the marsh right by the street.  Your Dad spotted him and turned around.  We spent a 1/2 hour taking pictures.  (S)he was very cooperative!

And, now we are home again, home again...

Love you all

Friday, February 3, 2017

A Few More Pics From Ithaca

I thought I would share a few more pictures from our visit in Ithaca.
We had an easy drive and arrived with luggage, dogs and dinner at about the same time Keith and Sarah and Emmett were getting home from their respective activities. 

On Saturday morning we headed to the Y for swimming lessons.  Emmett is going
to be another Harrington swimmer!  I took LOTS of pictures and videos...just not very good ones, unfortunately.  This one is pretty good, though.

And this one,

and this one is pretty cute too....

Guess who is tired?

From the Y we headed to Purity for a great breakfast
(thank you G'ma Harrington!)

After a little nap in the car and a bite to eat our little water baby was revived.

We had a beautiful snow while we were there, which some of us enjoyed from the
inside out while others

like to be out in it!

As always, the dogs were endlessly entertaining.
  Our guys, getting to know Emmett again

while Jonas and Eva just take things in stride.

It took a little while, but we finally got everyone awake, fed, and happy at the same time so that we could open the Christmas gifts from Greece, Columbus and Litchfield.
(the photo album is AWESOME!).

Emmett needs a little Kinder Santa instruction, but it is still a little soon for chocolate anyway.

We had a great dinner prepared by Bob on Sunday evening.  Zhora wore her beautiful Christmas dress and as you can see, she has a cute kitten and

2 baby piggies!!  They are currently living in a playpen in the house.

We had a great visit! an easy drive home except for about 1/2 hr of pretty heavy snow near Jamestown.  Not bad for traveling in January.

Keith, Sarah and Emmett, thanks again for the hugs, snuggles, good food and drink, warm fire, great movie and conversation.  Always looking forward to the next time.

Love, Mom