Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hodge-Podge: Thanksgiving to 12-15-14

Well, turns out I am working today, but giving a Math test for my friend Kate, who apparently has the "Claggett Crud" and decided sometime between 10:00 and 11:00 last night that she didn't need to come to work sick to give a test.  Easy day, so here are some pictures from the past couple weeks, beginning with:
My Kitchen Helper, Zhora, showing off the delicious Celery Boats
that she and Aunt Sarah made for Thanksgiving dinner.  She is a delight and
so looking forward to spending some time with her cousin Artemis.
I had a fleeting moment when I thought I would make copies of this photo and use it for my Christmas Cards, but then sanity prevailed.  It is a pretty view of the Gazebo though.  There was a Funky Winkerbean poking fun at the Christmas Lights in this Sunday's comics.  It was pretty funny - so many lights that you can't see the Gazebo and at night that is what it looks like.  The whole uptown is lit up as though electricity were free.
This was the scene one morning last week when the dogs and I went "walk about" before I went to work.

Same morning.

Arlo is waiting patiently for Maggie to get in the picture.

Maggie didn't want to be in the picture.

This storage tank was on I-71 Friday when Mom and I were headed to Versailles.  It was a full 2 lanes and had 7 Highway Patrol escort cars.  On
 the way home we passed 3 flat bed semis each carrying 6 large bomb shaped thingys!  Unfortunately the pictures didn't turn out :(

Friday evening was the graduation ceremony at Midway.  This is
Nicole's class.  If you enlarge it you will see the women standing up front.
Nicole is 5th from the left.

Proud Parents

Warren's attend church in this 1830's vintage building.  It reminds me of
our old church by Garfield.

Nicole and Phil sand in the choir on Sunday for their Christmas Cantata.  It was really quite good.  Phil said they rehearsed A LOT.  And, it was evident. 

Related??  This photo is from the reception (surprise, sort of) for Nicole, after

A friend decorated the cake.
This is Dylan.  I love this kid and would take him home with me if they would let me.  He is so smart and personable and I don't know if I am special to him, but he makes me feel like I am.  Hi is in the second grade, gifted classes - all subjects. 

This is Lucas - he is cute as a button.  The "dessert" is red jello with a syringe
to eat with.  I don't know if anyone else like it, but boy he did!  Conner is the middle child and he didn't want his picture taken.  He sort of holds himself apart and is not as social as the other two.  It takes him a little longer to warm up.

The stretch of road between Midway and Versailles

is among my favorites in the U.S.

Beautiful fences, pastures and barns as beautiful as the houses...

and gorgeous old homes.

The village of Midway, where the college is, was the first railroad town in
Kentucky.  This is the downtown. Two blocks, one on each side of the railroad tracks.  Local art, local eateries, antiques...just the perfect size for a Saturday afternoon.
All in all, a delightful weekend. 

Monday morning came with sunshine and mild temperatures, so Arlo, Maggie and I paid a visit to the dog park - 7 fenced acres (I think) more than 1/2 of it in the woods.
Muddy, but a great way to start the day! Could have been March. 

Is that a woodpecker hole that close to the ground?


...a rare delight in these here parts - lasted for about 6 hours.

Yum!  salad!!

and what good is a walk in the woods without pictures of lichen and moss...

and bracket fungus....

and different bracket fungus and more moss!

Home for Rent

Sun shining through tree bark.

More sun shining through more tree bark.  I worked really hard at this :)

and, of course, some red berries...must be genetic, huh, Keith?

...and finally the remains of the fall wild flowers.
Hope you are all well
Love, Mom

1 comment:

  1. Nice post and narration. It's funny how you can hear each persons voice in their writing ;-)
