Saturday, April 28, 2012

Big Sur, California - April,2012

My second post-retirement trip (first was to Ithaca) was to the Big Sur coastline of California via Blue Diamond, Nevada to meet up with Adam.  We had good weather, good food and most of all a good time.
Definitely a place to return again (without leaving with a sinus infection and poison oak!)

 Monterey Bay/Harbor

Monterey Bay Aquarium (shale reef display) 
                           My driver, guide, cook, travelling companion, photographer and son!
Fisherman's Wharf 

Bixby Bridge on Highway 1 

Banana Slug 
                                       Sunset above the cloud deck, Big Sur coast                                    

Thanks again Adam.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter in Ithaca 2012

Last Thursday before Easter, Pat and I headed north
and east to Ithaca for an early spring visit with
 Sarah and Keith.

The weather was cool, crisp and sunny most of the time.
And, a little windy also.  We went on a couple of leisurely
hikes, this one with all 3 dogs who seemed to be
as delighted with the outing as we were

I am always hoping to see the beaver but haven't
had any luck yet.
They are obviously there and very active.  This
is just one of many examples of their work.

 We were a little early for the first of the spring wild flowers
except for a couple of hearty specimans.
We thought maybe 2 weeks difference in the plants
from Medina to Ithaca.
 On Saturday, we visited a wildlife preserve call Montezuma.
This is the nest of the local Osprey which we eventually
saw in the sky.  The trail was blocked off, but this
view from the road was still pretty impressive.
In a different location we saw a pair of bald eagles
tending their 2 eaglets.  There was a man at this location
sharing his high powered scope.  We could see the
bands on the Eagle's legs! 

 Sunday was a bad day for pigeons!
Sort of like golf...we went from location to location
but with explosions. 

 ...the guys shot pigeons from various and sundry
heights and distances and speeds, etc., while
Sarah and I enjoyed a walk in the woods.

And of course, we ate well.  Both at home and at
a couple of new restaurants that we tried. Good
pickin' guys!

 Just in case it slipped by, G'pa celebrated his
82nd birthday on April 6.  We got together with them
and Andy and Gayle for pizza and strawberry rubarb
pie and ice cream.  They are doing pretty well,
although something about G'pa's leg is not
working quite right.  He's been in PT for about 3 weeks
now, so I am hoping that they will get an
MRI pretty soon so we can find out what's going
on.  He's mostly upset because he can't ride his scooter :-(

Love you all, Mom  xxxxxxoooooo