Friday, April 1, 2011

Day One - Blue Diamond

We left Cleveland 7:00 (ish) and arrived in Vegas at 9:00 (ish) - love that time change! The plane trip was uneventful, although Pat did not have fun. I had a full body search - I'm telling you, I am going for the trench coat/flip flop approach! It was 35ish when we left home and 60ish when we got to Vegas...nice:-)

Monday morning: The King of his domain.

"Why do you think it won't start?" "I don't know. Why do you think it won't start?"...

This is the new Joshua Tree Guest House at the Conley/Harrington home. It is not open yet. LeAnna and Adam more than graciously gave up their bedroom and slept on the floor in the living room. Thank you so much for the hospitality.

Recognize this guy? He is in retirement but looks good!

After a gentle start to the day, we went for a walk around Blue Diamond. Just as we were heading onto the trail at the edge of town these guys walked out. I wanted to take one home, but they wandered off across the road and down the way.

(Cute) Middle aged, baby boomer, hiker tourists (posing).

Very cool fallen tree - perfect for picture taking.

Back in town at the end of our walk-about we passed the Blue Diamond Fire Department - awesome truck!

In the evening we dressed up and went into town to the Wynn to see Le Reve. It was spectacular and there is no way to do justice with description or photo! If you google Le Reve you can watch a clip and get a little idea of the show. It was awesome!

Adam and LeAnna pretending to be "at home" in one of the many beautiful, over-the-top salons at the Wynn.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of the donkeys and Dad and Adam looking at each other. Who's studying whom?
