Wednesday, November 16, 2016

As some of you know, I am a little "sketchy" when it come to details.
With that in mind, here are some photos, the details of which I may or may not know,
from my extra long weekend in Ithaca:

I rolled in Wednesday evening, pretty proud of my first ever 6 hour driving trip, solo.
I really like the drive between here and Ithaca, although as noted, I have
always been the passenger.  As always, the traffic was light and the scenery lovely.
I didn't LOVE the last 2 hours in the dusk - dark watching for deer.
Thursday, Sarah and Emmett and I ran some errands in the morning and then I dropped them off at their respective places at Cornell and found my way home (I LOVE GPS)
Friday morning, pretty early, Keith, Emmett and I went for a frosty walk. 
Keith didn't work that day, although I don't remember why??, so we had Emmett all day.  We did pretty well.  Once we figured out the preferred temperature of the bottled milk, we got on fine.
Note that awesome suit that Emmett is sporting!
Pictures are in no particular order.

Nice feet!  He can roll over both ways, but not especially intentionally.  Soon...

No, I didn't split any wood, but I did stack some.  
It was something helpful I could do without supervision and without
doing anything too terribly wrong.

Did some "sort and organize".  My specialty.  Fortunately
Sarah and Keith and Emmett are not too particular.

Repurposed desk - works great and the green chair even blends in.

Saturday evening we met Eric and Margaret at a cool brewery for dinner.
Baby Willa is a couple weeks younger than Emmett and

Sebastian is in kindergarten.  Another awesome really kiddo.

Look at this crazy cool thing!  Eleftheria, I'm trying to remember if
you have one of these things?  It is one of those "new fangled"
things that I think are pretty cool...unlike the heated wipes 

Sunday evening little Mr. Emmett had a case of the miseries and Sarah
and I finally decided maybe he needed something to eat.  There was
NO learning curve!!  He likes sweet potatoes Pop.

Cleaned up and cuddling his Dad's blankie...

Dad comes home from work...yeah!  Yes, Sunday evening.

Story time - he like his books!

What a smile!