Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Just a Few More Pics

Our trip to Kiawah was a wonderful break in the winter routine. 
As always, Dale and Peggy were gracious hosts.
They are always happy to share their "home away from home"
and have invited us back again next year.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the week.

Standing Guard

Early Sunset over Kiawah Beach

Sunday Morning Congregants

Toes in the Water

Basking in the Winter Sunlight

Fort Sumter

Let Freedom and Dignity Ring True

"The Holy City"

Garden on the Battery


Sunset - Dinner at Red's - "Great Food, Free Sunsets"

Magnolia Gardens Gazebo

Magnolia Gardens Bridge

Magnolia Plantation House on the Ashley River

Every city and town has it's charm, it's story and it's beauty.

Much Love, Mom

Thursday, February 18, 2016


We toured our first plantation this week...and our second, for that matter.  
The first, Magnolia, was the first actual plantation in the Carolinas.  
The house we toured was at least the 3rd on the property.  
The first one was struck by lightening and burned.
The second was "struck" by Sherman and burned.    

The house and the property, however remain in the same family from the late 1600s.
The gardens at Magnolia were the first man-made tourist attraction in the country.
Currently a nature preserve and garden, the family has
directed the restoration, preservation and development of both the property and house.
The house is beautifully furnished with pieces that
have been in the family. 

We have enjoyed both beautiful sunsets and sunrises (for those
who can get up for them) every day.  

Yesterday morning the beach was littered with sea life and death.
LOTS of live starfish and whelks of all sizes and the best
shell collecting of the week.  It was a bad night for
the horseshoe crabs.

Beautiful Colors

Art by Mom Nature

William McLeod left his plantation to be preserved as an historic site when he died in 1990 at  the age of 104.  He lived in the plantation house until his death.
The site opened last April as an interpretive site, more focused on the life of the slaves.
The house is open on the first floor and the tour emphasizes the transition from
a slave plantation through the Civil War, Reconstruction and on.
It has been interesting to read Harper Lee's Go Set A Watchman while we have been here.

Love, Mom

Sunday, February 14, 2016


I was a little surprised to find this guy when I began my plant watering routine on Thursday.
Has he been there all winter?  Must have come in with the plants at the end of summer.
Tree Frog?  That is what we think.

When Pat found him an hour or so latter he had relocated to the table by this stool.  
So, who knows?
Here's hoping he finds enough of what he needs to stay alive till we go back outside.

We finally hqve some winter! 
It arrived with a vengeance, and its own unique beauty.
Beautiful or not, we began counting the days till we would head out to South Carolina.

Our drive south on Friday was long and dreary, although there was no "weather" to deal with 
and the roads were clear.  
The landscape was snow covered until we drove into South Carolina. 
The bright spot in the whole day was when we drove into Charlotte and did a little shopping at
 Trader Joe's before stopping for the night just south of the city.

Saturday morning was cold but the sun was bright.  
The rest of the drive, through the Piedmont, was beautiful.

We walked in the door of the condo on Kiawah and this was the view directly in front of us!!!

From the deck.

Saturday Sunset from the deck.  Cool and calm. 

Beauty at the beach

Sunset to Sunrise

This morning (Sunday) we got up to see the 5 planets and were rewarded for our efforts with a glorious sunrise show!  
With Dale's help, we really did see Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter
In the picture is Venus, and arched across the sky out of view to the right,
 Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter were totally apparent in a sea of other stars.
As we waited patiently Mercury peeked out just at the horizon to the left of  Venus.

What a show!  Totally worth the early hour and the cold.

I hope that you are all enjoying whatever is going on in your day.
Happy Valentine's Day
Much Love