Wednesday, January 27, 2016


ok folks, let's get this chicago show on the road!

hittin' the sidewalk ... finally those old building details

the fam

love this shot we're ready

city tour bus and driver behind great light post

famous chicago theater

lovin the bus tour

cool reflection

great lakefront development

maybe next time

nice city landscaping...interesting even in the winter

awesome children's playspace!   maybe next time

don't let a little rain stop the show!  see those new purple crocs?

really, really cool bridges integrated into the cityscape

there were 2 of these separating the the lanes on a busy highway

trump tower with the top in the fog - political statement

love those light posts

city livin on the of blues in the background

built in 1914 as a grocery warehouse, 1955 city of chicago offices, 1998 redeveloped and is now the headquarters of britannica  encyclopedia and on the historic registry

cool bridge detail

all tuckered out

Tuesday, January 26, 2016



What a beautiful city!  We talked about how "mid-western" it was and how comfortable we felt, which was true, but it was just such a beautiful skyline.  This was taken, I believe
from our hotel window.

We stayed just off the center of the city, but still within easy walking distance even in the semi-blustery weather.  This is the Chicago River and was right outside our hotel.

The buildings, the river, the skyline, the lights, the golden glow of the city at night.

The mix of old and new architecture was interesting.

And, if it was this interesting in the dead of winter, imagine how it is in the summer.
I know so many people who have raved about it over the years and I can
certainly see why.

Winter Garden at night.

On Friday morning, we took a bus tour of the city.  It has become one of our best travel tips in recent years.  It was a pretty day and the tour was good.  There is an architectural boat tour in the
summer that everyone raves about.

More to come...

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Thought before we went to the big city we would take a little tour of the "hood"
One afternoon, after everyone was gone, I took the dogs for a quick walk and ended up walking the neighborhood twice to take pictures.  The first one I took was of the was just so funny. 
 Then I started looking around...
This is what I saw-

All within a block of home :-)

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A Bit More Christmas

Here are a few more pictures from Christmas.  I took LOTS more, but mostly they are
variations on the same shot, some fuzzy, some people with no heads, some lopsided...
You get the idea :-)

Dad got some cool stars made.

Artemis gets a little encouragement from Mom.  She didn't really need too much as
she got the hang of the gift "thing" pretty quickly.

I am so sad this is fuzzy, but it was too cute to leave out.  There was lots of dancing!

Artemis and G'Pa Rockwell having a little moment during the annual "Extreme Gifting"
event at Uncle Kurt and Aunt Denise's

"Really, Jared?  THIS is what I am getting paid?"  
(Notice those rockin' boots!)

Christmas Evening and Keith and Artemis are discussing some of the finer
points of the new blue cook pot.

I don't know what Artemis and Adam are looking at, but whatever it is, it must
not be food as Jonas is not remotely interested.

Saturday after Christmas Denise made arrangements for the party room at Panera

and we gathered again.  Andy and Gayle joined us.

Laura's Family

There is never enough time to get all the visiting in and catch up on all the news,
 but it sure is fun trying.  And, no one had to cook or clean up for this one! 

Finally!  Room to bring out the horse and go for a ride!!


...and a little purse shopping at DSW,
next stop Chicago...