Wednesday, August 26, 2015

...and then it was August

As I sit here this evening working on this blog, I am listening to the distinct sounds of a late summer night.  It has been cool the past 2 days and we even had a little misty rain today.  Not enough - I ran the sprinkler too, but there is the definite  feeling of change of season.
So, here is the summer wrap up in picture format~

This picture should have been in the June/July pictures but it apparently didn't get downloaded.
  I have just finished storing away the "little person" things for the next time, but just can't 
bring myself to put the horse away.  He may  live in the foyer for awhile. 
 I think you out did yourself on this one Keith!

Spent a day on Put-in-Bay.  It was fun, but no one was "blown away".

We did rent a golf cart and that was pretty cool!

Not as impressive as Adam's snake, but we did get a good look at this Lake Erie Water Snake.
I am just not a snake fan...

I really enjoyed the butterfly garden, although this is not the picture I wanted to use...oh well, the one with the big orange spots was really impressive.  The wings of the big one to the left are brilliant blue on the inside but I never did get a picture of them and it was not for lack of trying.

Linda invited us over for a lovely brunch one morning.  She of course, immediately made friends
with Artemis.  Just in case you can't tell, she is "posing" for this picture.

Linda also picked up this little ditty in a garage sale for $5.00 - much to your father's chagrin...however, when he saw how happy it made Eleftheria he got over it.  
Artemis liked it too.

G'ma Nancy and Artemis having tea.

The next generation "walks the wall".

We celebrated Ian's 30th birthday.  Eleftheria made this INCREDIBLE dessert and G'ma Nancy
made a blackberry pie, Ian's favorite kind.

...and we did a little garden work.  Thank you so much for the help!

Artemis spent most of a morning working hard to wear my garden gloves.

This is just before we left for the airport the first time....

...and this is Artemis trying out the bedding at Anthropologie after their
flight was cancelled.  We spent a lovely bonus afternoon at Crocker Park after we
retrieved them from the airport.

It was such a wonderful summer!  We enjoyed everyone's visits and all the eating and activities and visiting and talking, talking, and cooking, and shopping and on and on...

As you ease into the next season I hope that the memories of our time together linger on
and bring you many smiles.

I love you all so much and look forward to our skype, email, and phone visits and especially to the next time we are all together.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

June ... July ...

 Please forgive any repetition:

In June I flew to Wyoming 

 to spend a generous week with Maribeth.
(related?  do ya think?)

Hunter and Mackenzie arrived just after I did. 

 We all worked (some more than others) on the final finish up projects before the house was listed.

At the end of the week we drove to Rock Springs and spent a couple of days with Megan and James. 

On Sunday we went hiking in the Valley of Fire 

along the Green River.

On Monday we drove to Cheyenne where we did a little site seeing.

 Tuesday morning I met LeAnna and Oscar and we began our trip eastward

stopping in Lincoln and Des Moines for a little site seeing, refreshment and sleep.

We arrived home in good order where Oscar met Maggie and Arlo...Arlo was not that impressed.

There had been PLENTY of rain while I was gone!

The dogs made a number of trips to the dog park which was awesome for all of us.

My calla lily was in bloom and

the crew rolled in including Zhora, (who is 5!) and was very eager to meet "baby" Artemis. 

Artemis began the arduous process of meeting ALL the stateside family!


Next generation on the park cannon!

A beautiful night in the "hood"

"You guys can sit there but I have things to do."

Aunt LeAnna and Artemis check out the Lemurs at the Akron Zoo.

The Firebird makes an appearance on the square.

Pat would like this for his birthday, please.

A visit to G'ma and G'pa Rockwell's.

Uncle Adam and Artemis spend some quality time on the swings.

Party Time!  Gina's wedding reception - lace and flowers

A quiet moment.


The fine art of bubble blowing explored.


Artemis watched others getting their picture in front of the trees, walked up and waited for hers...too cute!


We had a good time at the reception...someone will have pictures or maybe even video of Artemis dancing...worth waiting for :-)

A really hot afternoon spent at the (air conditioned) library

and a train ride at the Lodi outlet mall.

Making new friends at the akron art museum concert.

Pointing out the finer attributes of a really cool ball.

The Warren clan rolled in for G'ma Cressman's birthday.  Conner pushed Artemis all over the yard.

G'ma's adoring fans.

At the time of this photo, Livie was the newest addition to the family dogs, however Moe has moved in at Becky and Phil's so Livie's status changed very quickly.  She is the youngest and the smallest though...< 3 lbs and 3 months old.  She is a yorkiepoo.

An afternoon in the pool.

One evening we journeyed to Wooster to have dinner with Sara Dodson Reith and her family.  We enjoyed a pre-dinner walk at the Secrest Arboretum.

There is a cool slide just to the left of this tunnel.  I very nearly killed myself on it...

...and at the end of July, right on schedule, with or without the rain...the hibiscus be continued...