Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Between the raindrops......

In spite of all the rain we have had this summer, we have been able to accomplish a few projects and keep the grass mowed and gardens weeded.
I have been trying to do some fun things with the time I have had.  This a pair of aluminum "prosthetic antlers" I salvaged this winter from Adam and LeAnna's front yard. Polished them up and mounted them on a plaque.  Kind of fun being an old, retired guy in the garage!
Just started on this little project this morning.  Should be finished by the time everyone arrives.....
Found a piece of metal work cheap at a shop uptown and thought it would make for a nice addition to my gate.
                                             What's a post without a few dog pics.  Maggie at the fountain.
Arlo in a yoga pose?
Oscar found a spot to beat the heat.

If you can't beat the rain, you can beat the stone.
Picked this up at the antique shop on Rt. 3 for a good price, probably because its all clear glass.  The frame is in good shape as is the lead work.  Needed re-glazed and cleaned up.  I was going to repaint the frame, but decided to just remove the loose paint and give it a coat of poly.

Morning garden walk-about.

Checkin' to see how much longer she could stand there................

G'ma had surprise visitors from Wheeling a couple of weeks back.  On her right is Bob and on her left is June and Shirley. They are her cousins (her mom and their dad were brother and sister).  They were all regular visitors to Akron when I was young.  Many pleasant memories for me.

Adam and LeAnna had a bike ride on the towpath planned with Tony and Gina, so he and Oscar made a test ride up and down Broadway.
Finally, I'd like to introduce you to our newest Chemex (No. 4). It will be providing you with your favorite hot beverage during your upcoming visit. Apparently it's predecessor met with it's demise whilst I slept.  A note claiming responsibility along with it's wooden grips and leather tie was found on the counter and a few scattered shards of glass on the floor.
I guess four in about 40 years is tolerable.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

from the west to the east...

I probably have this picture on the last post, but thought I would put it in again.  If you would like to see more, the house is officially for sale and it is listed on Zillow.  Type in Dubois, Wyoming.  It was the first house on the list today.  Maribeth and Rick have
done a lot getting it ready to list.  Keep your fingers crossed for them.

One of the things we did while I was there was plant two wildflower gardens.  Some of the plants took and some did not, but all in all they turned out pretty well...better, I think, if we had had a little more time.  It was fun though.

On Saturday morning Maribeth, the kids and I went to Rock Springs to visit with the folks there.  It was a beautiful trip and while I have a couple of pictures, they don't begin to do it justice.  We stayed with Megan and James.  They have a really nice town house.  I couldn't believe it when we turned the corner into their development...I have NEVER seen so many pick-up trucks and campers on one street...unbelievable!  They are doing well, however, as always Megan can't get out of Wyoming soon enough.

Sunday, after a frustratingly slow start (sorry James), we went for an "easy" hike along the Green River in the Flaming Gorge Nat'l Rec Area.  This was "easy" similar to some that I have been on with my sons.  It was stunningly beautiful though and Maribeth and I just took our time and watched our footing.  Oh, did I mention that it was 95 degrees? There was also a brush fire and ash falling out of the sky.  The Rangers were closing the road as we drove out and moving people out of the camp grounds!

As usual, I took ALOT of pictures, but I will only make you look at three

...since I can't get the rest off my phone for some reason????

On Monday morning, Maribeth and I traveled to Cheyenne where I was to connect
with LeAnna on Tuesday.  We had the afternoon to wander around Cheyenne which was fun.  You can't tell, but we are sitting in front of giant cowboy boot.  They were scattered around town and were pretty cool. (I have not mastered the art of the "selfie" can you tell?)

After arriving in town starving, we ate at a little restaurant that was ok, but not very interesting, only to find out that had we turned the other direction, we were only minutes from the historic district and much more interesting choices.  Oh well.  This is the old train station - a really beautiful, restored building that anchors the historic district.

This "Iron Horse" commemorates the transition from horse to train
transportation in the west.

Tuesday morning, LeAnna picked me up at the hotel and we headed to
 Sierra Trading Post where I spent money and she didn't.  I have to say that there really wasn't too much, but it was a fun stop and they let up bring Oscar in which was cool.  That is a nice thing about the west, they aren't nearly as "dog phobic" as easterners.
Our second stop was a rest stop that commemorates the Lincoln Highway.  It is the visitors center after the Windy-est Reststop in the ?? Pat and I had stopped at that one on our Western Road trip, but is was closed.  (it really, really was windy)

For whatever reason, I can't get many of my pictures off my phone.  Pat believes that it is my "anti-technology aura", but I think my phone has a "glitch".  Anyway, I don't have pictures from our stops in Lincoln and DesMoines.  We spent a morning in each and I would like to go back to both.  This is Oscar's "ok guys, we have been on the road for 6 hours now" look.  He was soooo good.  

He loved the hotel rooms.  His favorite game was to jump back and forth from one bed to the other.  Again, he was a great traveler.  However, in case anyone was wondering, he is not real keen on fireworks.  He has been with us this weekend as both his Mom and Dad are otherwise occupied.  He, Arlo and Maggie have not really enjoyed the festivities this evening or last.
I hope, however that you all have had a great weekend doing your various and sundry things.  I know LeAnna is with her sister and friends in Mohican.  Adam, hope you are feeling better and can't wait to see you.  Ian and Eleftheria and Artemis, did it stop raining?  I know you had a beach weekend planned.  Sarah and Keith, CONGRATULATIONS!!  We are looking forward to the New Kitchen Blog. Give Zhora a Birthday Hug from us and watch the mail for her Birthday Card. 
Happy 4th and Love to you all,
 Mom, xxxxxxxooooooo