Friday, April 17, 2015

City Fox!

Early in the week Brigitte Dade mentioned she had a family of fox living under the utility shed at the back of their lot.  They live in a subdivision south of Smith Road and north of Roscoe Ewing Park.  Their lot abuts the railroad track.  We expressed an interest in seeing them and the Dades invited us to come over last Thursday morning between 9:00 & 9:30 which is when the kits come out to nurse and play.  There is a male and female with 10 kits.  They appear to be about 6-8 weeks old and as you can see from the photos, some larger than the others.  I have only seen brief glimpses over the years driving back and forth to work and have never seen young ones in the wild.  They were out and about for about 45 minutes and went back under the shed when it started to rain.

Mom.  We didn't see dad, but the Dades say he is around and integral in the care of the young ones.

Breakfast time.........

Time to explore.

Time to 'wrassle'!

How to get down?

You lookin' at me?  That's a watermelon rind they were dragging around laying on the ground near the three kits by the shed.  Apparently someone had gotten into the garbage somewhere in the neighborhood.
Tom said the shed reeks of urine and he is really unsure of the reaction he will get once mowing season begins. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ithaca 4-2015

Since the snow finally melted (mostly) in Ithaca, we decided it
was time for a little road trip, so after Dad finished work on
Thursday, we threw a few things in Big Red and headed
northeast for a few days.  It was rainy and in the
upper 60's when we left.  Dreary, but not
a big deal.
This is a picture of Chautauqua Lake, about 1/2 way.  I don't know if you can tell, but the lake is still frozen.  By the time we arrived at Keith and Sarah's, we had lost
30 degrees, but kept the rain.  They had a fire in the stove, warm hugs,
cute dogs, tomato soup and grilled cheese waiting.

Since Friday was a work day for them, we made arrangements to meet
Mike and Michelle Chevalier in Syracuse, about an hour and a half
drive.  This is the river running through town and is a good
example of all the waterways between home and Ithaca.
There is no drought here.

We met an Irish Pub in downtown Syracuse and had the best visit!
Michelle is having some disconcerting health problems, but
Friday was a "good" day and after bringing us up to
speed, there was no more talk of it.  As always,
it was just wonderful to be with them.
And, is our all to usual downfall,
these are the only 2 pictures
we took :(
Saturday, Sarah had an all day open house at the Vet Clinic and I went
along and helped where I could.  Her "booth" was set up in the
petting zoo.  Here Sarah is with the most loved animal at the
clinic.  Minnie is sort of the vet clinic mascot and she
is companion to Mike, the giant draft horse that is
the clinic blood donor.  I wish I had a picture
of the two of them together.

an alpaca and a llama

the friendliest camel ever.  When I walked by later he was
kneeling down and little kids were all over!!

Meet Blossom, the holey cow.  And...I can't remember why???

I love Minnie!  She just goes along with whatever is happening.

Eurasian Eagle Owl - realllly big!  From the local Raptor Rescue Center...not the petting zoo,

and a Golden Eagle.

Back at the Petting Zoo, this very patient cow was "milked" by hundreds of kids.

2 week old piglets joined in when they weren't napping and

one of two "painted horses"
"Bald Men Working"
While Sarah and I were at the Open House Keith and Pat did some planning for the kitchen project then Sunday, the real work began.
Zhora, Sarah and I enjoyed their first real spring day working in the yard.
We burned lots of yard stuff.

 In the evening we enjoyed the first fire of the season and
tried out the totally awesome binoculars that Eleftheria and Ian gifted Keith and Sarah. 

Two Dogs Sleeping

Monday morning, another beautiful day, we stopped at Brookton Market, our traditional "end of visit" stop for coffee and snacks and a loaf of their
great bread.

View directly across from the market.

And, this is the little cactus we brought home from Adam and LeAnna's yard.  Not only is it alive it is growing!!!!!!!