Sunday, August 24, 2014

Beyond Chataqua

At the end of Karen's adventures in Chautauqua, I picked her up on the way to see Keith and Sarah in Ithaca.  We stayed for nearly a week this time, without much of an agenda.  We just went to spend time and visit.  That is exactly what we did. 
Indy found the perfect spot to survey her domain.  It's one of two teepee structures Keith made for his beans and snap peas which Indy also took a liking to.
We spent a morning at the Cornell Plantation.  There doesn't appear to be a shortage of honeybees in this area.
You've heard the term snake in the grass, well how about snake In the shrub!
Karen by the shrub...not the one with the snake...
A garden orb weaver that has taken up residence outside Keith and Sarah's front door.
One evening we went down to a stream near Brookton Market and Keith went for a swim while the rest of us waded in and out.  Keith found a scoured out area beneath a waterfall to have some fun.
Bathing beauties.
Saturday morning we all, including Jenn, Bob and Zhora went to the Cayuga Nature Center which among other things has a large tree house built (with supervision I assume) by the graduating class of 2000 at Ithaca High School.
This is the main building at the nature center which was built in the 1930's by the WPA as a preventorium for children with signs of tuberculosis.  It closed sometime after WW II and the nature center was opened on the site about 30 years ago. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014


It really is quite crazy to realize that it is the middle of August!
No matter your busy you are or are not....
how much fun you are or are not having...
time flies by!
I am blogging from Ithaca, having arrived at Sarah and Keith's
two days ago, but the photos herein are from the
several days before~
I am quite pleased with the end result of my first independent sidewalk project :-)
Having been Pat's assistant over the years, it was fun to know
essentially what to do and to do the work myself.
Although, Pat was close by for advice,
assistance, and the hauling of limestone
Hopefully those of you who travel into our house from the
back will find this path to be safer and more pleasant
than before!

I am not finished with the little gardens along the walk, but this one was
actually there before the new sidewalk. I love my
little angel/fairy gardens.
On Saturday Barb Rosen (in blue) and I drove to Chautauqua with our
hostess June Trenty (in pink) for a 3 day introduction to June's
 "favorite place on earth". 
And, I have to admit, it really is quite extrodinary!  You are looking at
the stage of the Chautauqua Amphitheater and the Sunday morning
Chautauqua Choir which numbers about 100 voices.  The organ
and the organ master and the choir are wonderful!
The Chautauqua Orchestra also calls this open air amphitheater home
for the 9 weeks of the Chautauqua Institute.
June and her husband, Richard, stay at the Lutheran House when they come.
The two of them had been there during week 7 when Ken Burns was
the guest speaker for the week.
Richard was not feeling up to going a second week, so Barb and I were
lucky enough to be invited in his place.  Here we are sitting on the front
steps of the Lutheran House.  It functions sort of like a
Bed and Breakfast and was quite wonderful.
  We both had other
commitments for the rest of the week and as we were
leaving on Tuesday, Marge, another friend, arrived
to take her turn.
Thank you so much, June :-)

This beautiful little Episcopal Church was just a few houses down from us.
Sometime shortly after this church was constructed, it was decided that
during the institute weeks the denominational services would take
place in the denomination homes and that the main
service on Sunday would be an interfaith service
held in the Amphitheater.  Each week
there is a different Pastor invited
to conduct worship.  There
is a service every
It was so cool to find that the pastor for week 9 was a
woman minister from a large Disciples
congregation in Georgia. 
She was incredible!

Although there are homes of varying sizes and styles in the community,
you will see that the 3 pictures I have included are large Victorians.
They are just so beautiful!  And, by luck only, these are where I
was when I had my camera and enough time and light to
take pictures.  Enjoy :-)

Love those colors!

This is a new one!!

Lake Chautauqua is considered one of the Finger Lakes - who knew! all of our lakes, it is suffering from algae pollution.
With that in mind, there are rain gardens being incorporated
into both the public and private areas of town.
After noticing the Cardinal Flowers in all the rain gardens I have
figured out why they have not thrived in my garden...duh~

The beach was closed while we were there :-(
You could smell the algae in some areas, but
the water was still clear.
Also, CHQ has always been known to be "mosquito free"
until recently due to a large brown bat population.  Unfortunately,
they have all succumbed to a white fungus - very sad.

Good bye Chautauqua.
Again, Thank you so much, June for a lovely three days.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day Trippin #2

At the end of our week of local travels, we
decided to check out our closest big city, Cleveland.
Neither of us have had reason or opportunity to be
in Cleveland in recent years but have been aware the there
is a great deal going on.
Lolley the Trolley leaves from the Power Station where the
Aquarium is located, also Windows on the Lake where
Cory and Laura's wedding reception will
be held, is there.   It was a beautiful day.
Cool wall art.
There were 3 trollies leaving for the 9:00 tour.  Picture taking
was not easy from the trollies so I don't have much, but
the tour was very good.  There really is a lot going
on.  In my life Cleveland has always been in
decline so seeing signs of life is exciting.
Actual nice looking cityscape.

When I was a kid, the air pollution was so bad that
you could not see the top of "the Term"
when you drove into the city.

We had a quick stop to stretch our legs at the
City Greenhouse.
It was beautiful and we are hoping to get back to look around.

I forget how many different kinds of bridges are down in the
flats - lots.  We took a Goodtime 2 boat tour of the
lake/river years ago - time to do it again.  This
particular bridge is no longer used, but
I think the rest are.
I love all the churches.  I have always wanted to
take a church tour, but I am not aware of one.
There are, however, walking tours of 5 different areas of the
city.  We are hoping to check those out also.

We wrapped up the outing with lunch in Little Italy. 

Next day we returned to check out Edgewater Park, an old and
rundown city park that has recently been taken over by the
MetroParks.  Boy, were we impressed!  It was sparkling clean
and lovely.  This is the newly rehabbed beach...

...and at the far side of it was the newly created dog beach.
Arlo and Maggie quickly made friends and had a ball!

After some beachtime, we walked around the hiking/biking paved path

to a really nice observation pier that jutted way out into the lake.
I'm pretty sure your Dad has some better photos.

Adjoining Edgewater is a Wendy Park, a small, but very nice
park with a walking path along the outlet of the river.  On the
other side of this bridge to the right is Shooters.  We watched
trains roll across that bridge from the deck at the restaurant.
Do you remember?

We finished up at the Market, vowing to make at least
one trip per month.  We have eaten well this week!
So, this week, we are back to our regular retired routine...sort of.
Hope you are all well.  LeAnna, good luck as you begin
your new job.  Adam, hope your next hitch is a good one.
Oscar, good luck, buddy.
Ian and Eleftheria and Artemis, sorry I missed your Skype call:-(  Enjoy the
rest of your stay in the village.  Ian, good luck as you begin preparing for
the new school year.  Eleftheria and Artemis - stay cool and enjoy your days.
Keith and Sarah - see you soon!  Can't wait :-)
Love you all so very much, Mom