Saturday, June 15, 2013

We have a toad too!

We have a toad who lives under a rock in the Crimson King maple garden.  Karen found him early in the week while she was edging the garden bed and he has been there every time we have checked.  He may get tired of being disturbed by the picture taking however!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

More of spring at the house.

You all may be getting tired of the garden pictures, but this has been a pretty spectacular spring for the flowering plantlife.  It has been a combination of good weather and the maturity of the landscape we have planted over the years.

Baby Robin Update!
This is the mother robin who is not happy with me disturbing the nest area for pictures.

There are 4 babies a little over a week old.  The nest is in the climbing hydrangea at the south end of the front porch.
"Anniversary Tree 2013"
(Red Sunset Eastern Redbud)