Thursday, August 5, 2010

Andy, This Blog's for You !

Forgot this one! It's a beut-

Sweet ride-
belongs to Ian!

There are motorcycles and motorscooters of every type and there are as many of them on the roadway as there are cars -
-many more of them on the sidewalks...

benefits of motorcycles & scooters??? PARKING.




Vintage, custom.

Beautiful, vintage

Beautiful, vintage, custom

Need gas? Keep your eyes open. The gas stations blend in with everything else. This one is actually pretty obvious.

There were LOTS of smart cars.


ohhhh, this one too. I've never seen so many little cars of every type.

This cute, little custom job lives next door to Ian.


The traffic seemed really crazy when we got to Greece, however, after a while the traffic patterns were pretty understandable and it didn't seem bad at all (except perhaps for when the guy backed his car into Ian). Parking was a challange and it was for sure a benefit to have a bike
as they can drive and park in many more places. Very, very few full size cars but every small one you can imagine, very diverse, but no ox carts (Costa Rica).