Saturday, January 9, 2010

So, I really do know how to do this now! you will hopefully hear from us more, although, I am not sure the pictures will be too exciting - you've seen snow before and that is about all there is to look at right now. This has been the view out the bedroom porch window for days now. This is what I see from my pillow. It is beautiful, but doesn't make me want to jump out of bed. Love to you all:-)
Megan arrived Thursday night, having just made it out of London before the airports closed due to a snow storm. We spent Friday making her wedding arrangements for April, including a stop to try on gowns. This one was under consideration, but she ultimately decided on a different one. It was a fun day and I was glad to have had a snow day to use. It made the weekend more enjoyable. She leaves Sunday to meet A. Maribeth in Texas to apartment hunt. James gets home from Iraq in 10 days.

It hasn't been as cold, nor have we had as much snow as Keith and Sarah, but cold and snowy, it has been. Arlo loves it and the rest of us are resigned to the grey winter sky, but there is really a beauty to the season and the occasional snow day makes it tolerable.

The Snow Dog: This is Arlo's usual response to "let's go in". He lays down and refuses to move.

For those of you who have not had a chance to meet Stella - here she is with her mom. She is full of personality and is giving G'ma a run for her money. She is a little shy, but once she knows you she is a riot. She and Marley are in competition for the primo spots, like G'ma's lap.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Christmas in Medina

Finally! I think I might get this blog posted tonight. This is a picture from today, but the rest are from Christmas. It was not a white Christmas, but the snow gods seem to making amends now. Today was the first snow day of the year and it worked out great because Megan flew in from London last night so we got to spend the day together. It was fun, but maybe news for a different blog...that way maybe I will post another one this weekend before I forget what I am doing again!

Hope everyone is well. LeAnna - I bet you wish you had a snow day, huh?! Keith and Sarah, suppose you will spend the weekend on the slopes? You probably have more snow than we have? Ian, did you go home today? tomorrow? We were trying to remember what your travel plans are? Did it stop raining guys? Adam, did you find some people to climb with?

It is so hard to believe we are out of one year and in to the next. We love and miss you all. Be healthy in heart, mind, and soul. May the new year be gentle to you and those you love.

Love you all so much. Enjoy-

Ian, this picture was taken especially for you!

Christmas morning at Kurt and Denise's. We were a small group this year. We missed everyone that was not present, but we enjoyed each other's company and the food was great, as always. From here we went to Rockwell's where Keith and Sarah joined us, having travelled early Christmas morning. In the evening John and Vanetta brought a wonderful feast to our house and we enjoyed good food and good company to round out the day

With the fish tank in the Christmas tree spot, we had to figure out a new location. So we went with a smaller tree in the corner of the living room and found that we really liked it! If anyone needs tree ornaments, we have a few extra!

Finally, here are a couple of pictures from the Tea at Miss Mollys. It was fun, but next year I will just have it at home, so mark your calendars Ladies!