Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Baby, it's cold outside!
This momma eats at the feeder regularly. Your Dad saw a giant crow visit her nest a
couple days ago...probably not a good thing.

Breakfast at Harrington's.

Waiting patiently for a turn.

Do you know these guys? Waiting for Thanksgiving Dinner.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...who is this guy?

It's funny how every year it seems like winter will never come and then all of a sudden it's here.

Don't you just love the red berry pictures?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving on the Homefront!

19 of us were together this year. The weather was reasonable and made travel easy for all. As usual the food was terrific. Hope you all can join us next year.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

better late than not at all

I intended to do a much better (ie quicker) job of posting this time, but alas...the pressures of school crashed back much to quickly. Anyway, a couple weekends ago we made a trip to Ithaca for a fall visit with Keith and Sarah. We arrived in time for the tail end of a nor'easter and the waterfalls showed the results when we visited them on Saturday!

It was a beautiful fall day and the siteseeing was great! So many views! So many pictures!!!

We paid a visit to our favorite grocery store and we so happy to see it still in business - as it has been for many years - but we are always amazed. We purchased our usual assortment of things that we can't get anywhere else, including Dad and Nancy's salad dressing.

Keith and Sarah stopped on the trail for a quick picture.

Oh! Did I mention that G'ma H went with us for her first visit? Well, if I had remembered that I needed to put the pictures on in reverse order, we would have started at this end...oh well!

It was a great weekend! The weather was great and we really enjoyed our visit. G'ma has thanked us a thousand times.

Monday, October 4, 2010

This was all supposed to be the same post, but who knows what I did...anyway, here are some really, really old doorways. We talked to Ian this evening, so that sort of got us thinking about our visit.

more from Thessaloniki

Took a tour of my pictures this evening and found a folder that I put together of really cool doorway pictures. I have always loved those doorway poster that you see now and again from major cities. Well, I certainly have enough pictures to make one. This is just a sample and not even necessairly the best...enjoy.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

To the beach, Greek style

While we didn't make it to the Outer Banks this summer, we still got a taste of salt water. We spent a terrific day at a family oriented beach on the Sithonian Peninisula of Halkidiki about an hour or so ESE of Thessaloniki. It is the middle of 3 peninsulas and is a little less developed than Kassandra. The third peninsula is Athos that is for the most part remote monasteries and tourism is very controlled and women are not allowed at all! We went on the first Sunday we were in Greece and it provided a nice way to catch our breath after a busy first week.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Andy, This Blog's for You !

Forgot this one! It's a beut-

Sweet ride-
belongs to Ian!

There are motorcycles and motorscooters of every type and there are as many of them on the roadway as there are cars -
-many more of them on the sidewalks...

benefits of motorcycles & scooters??? PARKING.




Vintage, custom.

Beautiful, vintage

Beautiful, vintage, custom

Need gas? Keep your eyes open. The gas stations blend in with everything else. This one is actually pretty obvious.

There were LOTS of smart cars.


ohhhh, this one too. I've never seen so many little cars of every type.

This cute, little custom job lives next door to Ian.


The traffic seemed really crazy when we got to Greece, however, after a while the traffic patterns were pretty understandable and it didn't seem bad at all (except perhaps for when the guy backed his car into Ian). Parking was a challange and it was for sure a benefit to have a bike
as they can drive and park in many more places. Very, very few full size cars but every small one you can imagine, very diverse, but no ox carts (Costa Rica).