Saturday, November 7, 2009

fall on the old homefront

It has been a rough week locally, state-wide and nationally, so it was nice to hit the weekend to sort of get a break from the real world. Statewise, the ongoing body count from the mass murders in Cleveland has dominated the news daily. In Medina, there was a house fire that took the life of an 8 yr old Garfield child with older sibs at Claggett. And, the failure of the school levy has dropped a curtain of gloom over everyone. I actually had kids in tears in class. We are all waiting to see what $8million in cuts will look like.

It was a beautiful day today though and with some sleep and sunshine and putz-time, we are feeling much better. After a week of cold, rain and frosty nights, the leaves and colors are all but gone, but Dad took some pictures when colors were at their peek. Not much different than NY, but we thought you might enjoy a couple of fall photos from home.

Monday, September 14, 2009

OK - I think I get it. You have to work backwards...So you have to write your intro last, which means on the post that follows this, you have to go to where the beach pictures begin and start there - or not, as you please. Maybe the next one will be right. Anyway, I've no way to go but to improve. Love you all!! Mom

try, try again...

And here is my pride and joy! Dad got my license a couple days ago - 92SUN - pretty good for not being a vanity plate! I've ridden it to school all but 3 days and it just makes me smile. The last tune up on the Honda was a good one (too late for Ian:-() We haven't gone for a ride together, but I'm sure we will. I have scooter school the last Sat of the Sept.

Here's to the next 35! Enlarge to see the details of our new rings from Silver Bonsai in Manteo. (Please ignore the old age spots - it's just dirt)

We actually had dinner and a fire 2 nights in a row - Sat out till dark and just enjoyed our yard! No, that is not a "port-a-potty"...just poor placement of the ash container!

We weren't sure if the Autumn Clematis would bloom this year, but it has put on a great show.

ok - is this where i write about the pictures? this is the center of the front walk. We bought the raised piece in OBX and your Dad designed around it. We have 2 more, but haven't decided for sure where they will go. This is the view of the side walk from the porch roof. I'm not sure the picture does it justice. It really looks awesome and more importantly, it is great to actually walk on.

Well, we are going to try this again. I lost the whole thing last night and went to bed aggravated.

We are having awesome weather - unless you are a plant - and the season is slipping gently into fall and we are starting to wrap up our summer projects. It has been a busy one - busier than we anticipated for sure. Here are some highlights...I hope:-)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

OK, so this isn't quite right, but it is a start. That's all for now - we'll try more later.
Keith and Sarah (along with Arlo, Jonas and Marly) joined us and we had a GREAT time.
Ian was home for the summer. Here he is strolling the beach in Ocracoke

We were one of the stops in the YWCA Garden Tour. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun.

So, this is our 3rd try with this. Old tricks. Ian said it was easy; so far, not so much! But, we promised, so we are hoping the 3rd time is a charm. It has been an eventful summer - fun, but busy and with a mix of new and old events. With a little bit of luck there will be picture highlights. We'll see!